Talent Updates for 10/17/06

#0 - Oct. 17, 2006, 6:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I've posted the latest updates on the General forum but once again thought I'd post up the specific rogue changes for you here.


    Disembowel - Removed.
    (NEW) Envenom - Replaces Disembowel. Two ranks and is available at level 62. “Finishing move that consumes your Deadly Poison doses on the target and deals instant poison damage. One dose is consumed for each combo point.”

    Vitality - Now "Increases your total Stamina by 2/4% and your total Agility by 1/2%."
    Surprise Attacks - Changed to 8% from 5%.

    Cheat Death - Now 3 ranks for 10/20/30% chance.
    Sinister Calling - Now "Increases your total Agility by 3/6/9/12/15%."
    Cloak of Shadows - Now "Instantly removes all existing harmful spell effects and increases your chance to resist all spells by 90% for 5 sec."

To see all of the changes you can go to this thread- http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=34986069&sid=1

Check back soon for further updates.


*For those having difficulties viewing the page we suggest closing your browsers, deleting all temporary internet files/cache and then reloading the page. This is often required when a talent calculator is updated.
#137 - Oct. 18, 2006, 12:10 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I thought I'd take the time to answer a few more questions that people had based on the Talent Update from yesterday. Please note that everything is subject to change and we are still working on the talents and abilities.

* A concern came up about Warriors and in particular Second Wind-
They already are gaining this health if they have Blood Craze. It's the same health generation rate as Second Wind only based on crits instead of stun/immobilize. We're not convinced this talent alone is overpowered but we'll keep an eye on it.

* Vitality, Mutilate, Deadened Nerves, Envenom-
We are keeping an eye on all of these and will evaluate for possible improvements. We are currently play-testing a lot of class content so please be aware that these may not be final yet.

* There were some concerns over some PvP abilities being in the Combat tree due to the fact that some people consider it a PvE tree. We have no intention to make any one tree a PvP or PvE only. If anything the feeling that Combat is a PvE tree makes us feel that perhaps there aren't enough PvP options in it.

* In regard to allowing Find Weakness to affect all attacks-
We want the increased DPS to come from finishing moves.

* Someone suggested we move Fleet Footed down 1 tier but we are comfortable with where it is at this time.

* For players that want to have something that takes advantage of slow off-hand weapons we have Mutliate. As noted above however, this is something we are still keeping an eye on and will adjust it as we feel necessary.

* There was a question in regard to Combat Potency and Shiv as to whether we would be normalizing weapons speed and we won't be. We would like to favor faster off-hand weapons in this case.
#235 - Oct. 20, 2006, 12:21 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Does that mean there's no chance of Surprise Attacks getting more buffs (or even better, replaced with something completely different)? As is, it remains relentlessly underwhelming for a 41 point talent.

No, that's not what it means. Right now all talents and ablities for every class are being scrutinized.
#238 - Oct. 20, 2006, 12:45 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

T. S. Eliot, "Whispers of Immortality". You are my new favourite CM.

Sadly the signature space didn't allow me to say it was from "Whispers of Immortality". :( I'm glad someone knew.