What happened to "Racials a poor choice"?

#0 - Sept. 27, 2007, 5:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Cross-faction Paladins and Shaman was a smart and interesting move. Making Fear Ward a base class ability will be the same, at least for PvE.

But what ever happened to Drysc's admission on behalf of the game designers that Priest racials were a "poor choice" which "should be addressed somehow?" He spoke of different options for normalization but warned no final decision had been reached at the time.

Most of the negative feedback in the last day has not been so much about spreading Fear Ward around. Rather we're upset that the "poor choice" system is being extended with a brand-new powerful ability for Dwarves and Draenei only. One which would greatly benefit all Priest races.

Is this move in the wrong direction only a temporary measure? Introducing a new spell doesn't seem like a temporary measure. Are all Priests going to have access to it after the normalization process? Or is this just a way of letting us know there will be no such racial balancing? That we should give up hope?

#165 - Sept. 27, 2007, 8:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Cross-faction Paladins and Shaman was a smart and interesting move. Making Fear Ward a base class ability will be the same, at least for PvE.

But what ever happened to Drysc's admission on behalf of the game designers that Priest racials were a "poor choice" which "should be addressed somehow?" He spoke of different options for normalization but warned no final decision had been reached at the time.

Most of the negative feedback in the last day has not been so much about spreading Fear Ward around. Rather we're upset that the "poor choice" system is being extended with a brand-new powerful ability for Dwarves and Draenei only. One which would greatly benefit all Priest races.

Is this move in the wrong direction only a temporary measure? Introducing a new spell doesn't seem like a temporary measure. Are all Priests going to have access to it after the normalization process? Or is this just a way of letting us know there will be no such racial balancing? That we should give up hope?

I think at this point it's more about trying to continue to balance the racials where we can rather than removing them completely since they have become an integral part of what many people use as a regular part of their game play. We'll keep an eye on discussions and continue to send on the feedback from the forums on these issues.

I do remember Dwarf and Draenei priests asking, "What do we get if everyone gets Fear Ward" so, Chastise is the result. (Blame them! I joke... really... )

Keep in mind too, that we have yet to go to public testing. As you all have seen, we have made changes before based on public experience and feedback while in testing. As always, I'm going to encourage everyone to please test when the Test realms go up with this patch.

We're aware there is going to be a LOT of theorycrafting going on up until people experience these changes. Some of it may be dead on and some of it may be missing a larger picture so remember that at current, this is all discussion based on what is planned and what could be the end result of what is planned.