The Way I See BC (Shadow) Priests

#0 - Sept. 12, 2006, 2:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I've been looking at the talents and some of the posts on both forums... warlocks seem to think we'll have it easy mode against Shadow Priests (which seem to be more of a warlock than we are) - let me point a few things out I see (I maybe wrong, I've just watched Miami Vice so my brain is utter mush).

Shadow Form with heal - priests get the same heal back from nuking someone with mindblast, so not needed - but warlocks have more shadowprotection than most so this isn't true, the heal will help them vs. warlocks, seems perfectly fitted against us tbh.

Mass Dispel - It's Discipline, so can be used in shadow form - this utterly gimps all warlocks bar those that spec 41 into affliction, very very bad vs warlocks in mass fights where we spam corruption (or seed of)/siphon life. This will kill our mana pool having to recast these. Oh and btw - it will dispell Soul Link by the looks of it too (its so powerful it even dispells buffs not normally dispellable: read Iceblock, DS and SL).

But o wait.. we have nether protection right?? That means we can utterly gimp shadowpriest? Well, short answer WRONG... to get nether protection it means no Unstable Affliction, our main offence against dispellers, so we trade one trump card for another. Oh Noes!!! The priest see's we're immune to shadow for a few seconds, realises our spec is destruction and shifts out to 'normal' form , dispelling himself like crazy knowing that there will be no UA to worry about and dealing holy damage instead (which we take the full force of) or just wands us to death while outhealing our mana pools dmg capability.
The same goes for SL eazy mode, as this usually means outlasting the oppenent with weaker dmg output over a longer period (normally relying on dot's/draintanking etc) but with no UA again this means (yes you guessed it) still more dispelling.

Shadow Word: Death - well, finishing move you say? The way I'd use it is to, once more, bone 'locks. The way the spell is described if the spell doesn't kill the opponent the priests gets the dmg inflicted put onto them as well - sooooooo as a priest I start shadow nuking a 'lock, 'lock is clever and puts up shadow ward - whey hey!!! instant buffer? No. SW:D the sheild away, our SW absorbs the 1k dmg (easy to get on that spell) and is then wiped off, priest gets no penalty as we don't actually recieve dmg. O joy, an insta-cast spell that completly negates our SW.

To be honest I see shadow priests as a very large threat still, as no matter what uber moves we can play, they always have a better response. I know we're getting some nice attention which has been needed for 2 years (pve viable it seems now) but it seems our talents are leaning us towards pvp and the priests shadow tree even more so.

Ofcourse this is all conjecture, as we just don't know how this will play out untill we acutally get the expansion, but hell just getting my thoughts out there.

I just pray (pun inteneded) that somehow blizz makes this balance.

edit: Added something, Plus SORRY FOR WALL OF TEXT CRITTING YOU FOR 1337000 DMG
#25 - July 4, 2007, 2:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
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