Developers, Druids, and Shaman oh my!

#0 - Sept. 10, 2008, 10:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Lets take a look at 2 posts made by developers yesterday on the beta forums.

For the druids from Ghostcrawler

Q u o t e:
If I can let you in on a little secret, there are a number of rabid druids at Blizzard who really have a vested interest in seeing the class succeed. You're in good hands. :)

For the shaman from Koraa

Q u o t e:
Just an FYI - We're going to be dumping Spectral Transformation. We decided we weren't cool with the Shaman's Ghost Wolf being too close to a core Druid iconic ability. What will replace it is a deep Enhancement Talent that will cause your Earthbind totem to clear all snares each time it pulses on you and all nearby friendly targets.

So lets see, there are a number of rabid druids at blizzard who want to see that class succeed and they don't like shaman getting druid abilities... That sounds like a completely fair and unbiased development team right? Right?

Can we please get some rabid shaman on the team? Just head over to the shaman forums, blindfold yourself and toss a pebble in their direction. Chances are you will knock one of us upside the head and they'd happily join the team to fight the good fight.

We want to be in good hands as well, at this point it's pretty obvious we're not.

#26 - Sept. 11, 2008, 1:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
This discussion is about druids having devs in their corner, and shaman not. Something that was made pretty clear in the developer posts made in the beta forums linked in the OP.

No, that wasn't made clear. What's clear is that, by touting this assumption as a matter of fact, you're doing very little in the way of actually helping to bring validation to your concerns.

Many aspects of class mechanics are being altered day to day as we continue to solidify some major changes for all classes in Wrath of the Lich King. If your initial reaction to individual changes is boast that no one at Blizzard understands how to play the class we've created, you only hurt your argument for improvements.
#49 - Sept. 11, 2008, 1:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Isn't this just a fancy round-about way of saying you don't really know what you're doing anymore?

No, this would be a convenient way for you to quickly explain away frustrations over what is actually a much more broad balancing scheme in the form of an ad hominem, arguably rhetorical question.

We encourage those who are able to test the changes being made. It's never a bad start for evolving a concern into an assertion for change.
#57 - Sept. 11, 2008, 1:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:


It is "matter of fact", actually.

No one with a brain that has actually played a Shaman from the start believes otherwise. Its pretty evident from the buffs Druids have received over the course of this game compared to Shaman. But thats ok, you can just respond with another generic response, I know its your job.

It's not my job to entertain carelessly disingenuous, presumptive, and plainly false comments. To even say it's a matter of fact when it can't be proven by you is silly.