#13 - Sept. 10, 2008, 7:14 p.m.
Account Information - Recruit-A-Friend, Part 2 (In-Game Benefits)
- What in-game benefits will linked accounts receive?
• Recruit and veteran characters can summon one another to each other’s locations across the globe.
• While adventuring with your linked friend or family member, you will each gain triple experience while partied up to level 60.
• For every two levels recruit characters earn, one “grantable” level is gained. Recruit characters may then grant these levels to lower level veteran characters.
Note: In-game benefits will only be available while an account link is active.
- How do I summon a friend?
While partied, simply right-click your target’s portrait and select “Summon Friend.” You may also summon your friend through the Social Tab by clicking on the icon next your target’s name within your Friends List.
- Are there any limits on when and where I can summon my friend?
You may summon a recruit character once every hour; recruit characters may also summon you on a one-hour cooldown. Although the ability to be summoned ceases at level 61, characters of this level or above may still summon their friends as long as the summoning target is level 60 or lower.
Note: Characters on accounts which are not BC- or WotLK-enabled may not be summoned to BC- or WotLK-specific zones. These include Blood Elf, Draenei, and Death Knight starting areas, as well as the whole of Outland and Northrend.
- Do I always gain triple experience while I am linked to my recruit?
No. In order to receive triple experience, you must be partied with a character on a linked account. With this, both characters (veteran and recruit) must be present for each kill and quest completion.
Also, should monsters or quests be marked as “Low Level” for either character, triple experience will not apply.
- Is quest experience tripled, too?
Yes, but only if both veteran and recruit characters are present for quest completion and if the monster or quest is not marked as “Low Level” (typically gray in difficulty, though sometimes green) for either linked character.
- Do our characters (my character and my recruit’s character) have to be same level in order to receive triple experience?
No, but the linked characters must be within 3 levels of one another in order for both to receive triple experience. If this level requirement is not met, only the lower level character will receive the bonus.
For example: Should a veteran character be 5 levels higher than a recruit, only the recruit’s character will be eligible for triple experience.
All standard restrictions and requisites will continue to apply.
- How can I tell if I’m receiving triple experience?
Triple experience will be noted in your Combat Log as follows:
“Player gains ‘X’ experience (‘Y’ exp Refer-A-Friend bonus)”
The “X” value represents the total amount of experience gained, while the “Y” value represents how much extra experience is gained as a result of the Recruit-A-Friend promotion.
For example: If a monster is normally worth 25 experience (while partied) and you kill it, should you be eligible for triple experience, your Combat Log entry will appear as “Player gains 75 experience (50 exp Refer-A-Friend bonus)”.
- What if I'm partied with multiple recruits with whom I’m linked? Do I get quadruple or quintuple the experience?
No. Although you may be linked with multiple accounts, the maximum increase you can receive at any given time is 300% —triple the normal amount.
- Will the experience bonus apply to only one character? Or are all characters linked to the account eligible to receive it?
All characters below level 60 on both the veteran and recruit account are eligible to receive the experience bonus.
- How does this affect rested experience?
If characters are ineligible for triple experience, normal experience rules apply and rested experience will be consumed. Rested experience, however, will not be used while triple experience is active.
- Is reputation increased, as well?
Yes, though only by 10%. This increase will only affect normal mob kills which typically yield reputation; reputation provided by quest completion or other activities will not be eligible for the bonus. All requisites for triple experience must be met for the reputation increase to apply.
- At what point do experience and reputation bonuses end?
Characters will no longer be eligible for triple experience and increased reputation gain once level 60 or when the account link breaks after 90 days.
- If I transfer a character to a recruit or veteran account, will that character then be eligible for both experience and reputation bonuses?
Yes, though only if the character is below level 60.
- How can my recruit grant me levels?
Your recruit will need to right-click your target character's portrait and select “Grant A Level.”
Note: Characters must be within 100 yards of one another for level granting to work properly levels may not be granted cross-zone.
- Are there are any restrictions on granting levels?
1) Levels may only be granted to characters on a veteran account by characters on a linked recruit account
2) Levels may only be granted to characters of the same faction and on the same realm
3) Levels may not be granted to characters over level 59
4) Levels may not be granted to characters of equal or higher level
5) Levels may not be granted once a 90-day account link breaks.
With this, once a level is granted, it may not be used again. For example: If a recruit character possessed 15 "grantable" levels and provided 10 to a veteran character, only 5 would remain for future use.
- At what level is the first “grantable” level gained?
The first “grantable” level is gained at level 2.
- At what level do recruit characters cease to gain levels to grant?
The ability to gain levels stops at level 60.
- What is the maximum amount of “grantable” levels a single recruit character can achieve?
At this time, a recruit character can gain up to 30 “grantable” levels.
Note: When our new Recruit-A-Friend program launched, the maximum number of levels a single recruit player could earn was 29. This maximum value was increased to 30 with the launch of Patch 3.0.8. Unfortunately, this change was not retroactive; thus, recruit characters created prior to 3.0.8 may only be able to gain 29 levels in total.
- Can all of these levels be granted at once?
- Can “grantable” levels be saved and then used at later and higher levels?
Yes. Although a recruit character will cease to gain levels past level 60, previously-gained levels will not immediately disappear. That said, all “grantable” levels will need to be used before the 90-day link expires, as these levels will not be available once the link is removed.
- If I transfer a character with unused “grantable” levels to another realm, will that character get to keep them?
No. Unclaimed levels are not moved during a character copy or transfer. Be sure to use them before you transfer.
- What if a level 50 character is transferred to a recruit account, will that character be able to grant 24 levels right away?
No. “Grantable” levels are only provided for every 2 levels gained while on the recruit account.
- What if a veteran character doesn’t want to level up? Is there an option to refuse a granted level?
Yes. Veteran characters are first asked to accept or decline a granted level before it is applied.
Official RAF FAQ, Part 2:
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