Shade of Aran

#1 - May 12, 2021, 10:25 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Shade of Aran, which I recall being the first major hurdle in Kara, feels as though the blizzard may be bugged. Both from a visualization and how it progresses around the room.

My understanding is the cyclone that moves around the room is intended to indicate the “front” of the blizzard ability. I noticed that once it reached a certain point in a quadrant of the room, the blizzard would start coming down covering the entire quadrant. There were multiple times where i was ahead of the cyclone, but started taking the blizzard.

Several old guides indicate to move into the middle of the room for blizzard. If true, the blizzard was affecting the center point in the room. If this is not the intended mechanic, then disregard.

Lastly, the blizzard animation remained in place though the effect was no longer apply. For example, if the blizzard originated at the 2 o’clock position in the room, by the time it reached even the 11-12 position, the animation was still showing. It was not, however, applying the slow and damage effect. I tested this on multiple graphics settings and all had the same result.

A video from testing on April 14 shows the blizzard with what i assume is the correct animation. . This leads me to believe the problem was introduced through a later patch on the client.

In this video you can see much more area taken up by blizzard

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Community Manager
#19 - May 24, 2021, 10:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post

We’ve found the problem and identified a fix for it.

Thank you for providing so much useful feedback!