RaF bonus level/FAQ clarification

#0 - Aug. 25, 2008, 6:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post

Q u o t e:
Can I save the "level-ups" I'm granted and use them at higher levels?

Yes. You can gift them to a character on the veteran account as you earn them or in one lump sum. However, you will need to claim all levels before the 90 day link period is up or before you hit level 60. Once that time expires or you hit level 60, the "level-ups" you had saved will disappear.

So this says that once the recruit character hits 60, his ability to grant levels is gone, and anything not used is wasted. However, this seems to contradict what I read in the FAQ posted in this forum.

Can this be clarified? If a character on the recruited account levels from 1-70 and never grants any levels before he reaches 70, does he still have the ability to grant 29 levels to the veteran account?
#1 - Aug. 25, 2008, 7:21 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Can this be clarified? If a character on the recruited account levels from 1-70 and never grants any levels before he reaches 70, does he still have the ability to grant 29 levels to the veteran account?

Yes. The levels must be granted before the 90 day RaF period is over but otherwise they don't expire. We are working to get that question clarified in the support article, sorry for the confusion.