Error 202-Upgrading to BC-Horrible solution..

#0 - Aug. 23, 2008, 1:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
12 days ago I was able to do the following operations with my own credit card:
1)Re-activated my account, that I was 1 year without playing
2)Transferred my char into another server
Both actions are included on my credit card next bill.

I'm just trying to buy the BC from my WOW Account Manager, and it says: Error 202...
I called the customer service, talked with them for at least 30 minutes, trying to do EXACTLY the same procedure that I did on the website and the solution is:
You need to buy one box of the burning crusade.

I know blizzard has the highest commitment with the player, but this time I'm really disappointed.
I'm almost giving up from keep playing the game.
ps:sorry for my poor english.
#9 - Aug. 25, 2008, 3:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We are currently reviewing rejected credit card transactions, Eyepunch; however, we do not have any additional information to provide at this time. We are unable to guarantee changes that will allow you to purchase the Burning Crusade Online Upgrade. As a result, I highly recommend purchasing a boxed copy of the Burning Crusade if you would like to upgrade the account.