#1 - May 14, 2013, 12:45 p.m.
Index Resources
There is a bug right now where any resource that ends with '/' won't work when authenticating unless you include 'index.html'.
For example this won't work when using authentication:
This should:
The workaround should work even after the bug fix, so once we get this fixed either solution will work fine.
Achievement API
- Reward field is not localized
- Race-specific achievements don't have a field to say this
- There are some criteria that aren't marked as complete for character and guild achievements
- Faction specific rewards are not marked as such
Item API
- Disenchant information is not included.
- Power cost can output the the default object toString instead of anything useful
- There are a lot of issues with item sources
- Need to add min iLvl to gemInfo.
- Need to add unique info to item api.
Character Profile API
- Mistweaver's power type is currently set to energy which affects stats and other data items
- Fetching professions does not include all archaeology data.
- Statistics are not returned for characters.
- Fetching achievement data may contain some internal or non-public achievement data. This data will continue to be scrubbed and cleaned as needed.
- For some characters their achievement point total on the community site and API are off by 10.
- Pets do not list their type.
- Character combat pet data doesn't show what type, or what buff that type provides
- Pet and Mount data is not currently accurate.
Guild Profile API
- Fetching guild profile data does not display the emblem information as displayed on the character profile API.
- Fetching achievement data may contain some internal or non-public achievement data. This data will continue to be scrubbed and cleaned as needed.
- Some characters achievement points when loaded via the guild API are set to 0.
- The character data returned with the guild API does not include last modified information.
- Character info doesn't include spec
- Some character thumbnails aren't available due to inactivity
- Guild activity numbers are not included in roster
- Some players have 0/0 win/loss records in the rated battleground ladder (on the website and api.)
- It is not easy to get % information (for things like Challenger)
- Arena team emblem information is not shown
Quest API
- No class/race/faction requirements are listed
- No daily (repeatable) information is listed
- No prerequisite information is listed
Spell API
- Some spell descriptions don't actually come from the spell description (483 for example).
- Spells which are enchants do not show how they affect items except for text in the description.
Auction House API
- Auction owner may be represented as a string of question marks when character information is unavailable.