Blizzard is actually ran by monkeys, finally with 8.1 ret felt okay to play and now were back to the bottom of the priority list, GG Blizzard, thanks for ruining my main since BC.
Blizzard is actually ran by monkeys, finally with 8.1 ret felt okay to play and now were back to the bottom of the priority list, GG Blizzard, thanks for ruining my main since BC.
It really was. I honestly haven’t noticed that much of a difference personally since this change except in really high multi target situations (Reaping or raid trash). I was regularly seeing 160k-200k+ plus dps in reaping waves or during the add spawn sections of Opulence.
Says the person posting from a DK! You’re clearly the blasphemer here.
Just to elaborate more, the trait itself received a pretty significant tune (30% is 30% there’s no downplaying that). However from my personal experience and logs since the change, I feel it has a small impact in the overall pool of Ret damage. Light’s Decree had a big impact in large AoE pulls, yet in single target wise it accounts for I think a 2% overall reduction? I’m not 100% on the math off the top of my head so please correct me if I’m wrong. Light’s Decree was vastly outperforming the rest of our Azerite traits in all scenarios. It’s still the best single target and AoE trait and this change didn’t impact Ret’s viability even in higher tiered content.
Looking at my guilds personal logs and comparing last week verses this week on Heroic Champions (using Champs since it’s largely a realistic patchwork fight with minimal movement), my Light’s Decree damage is almost the same but with 5 more ticks this week. I did gain 5 ilvls over the first week likely helping make up that difference already that we saw with this change. That’s with two uses of Crusade btw. Also keep in mind we’re talking about 100k damage here in a pure single target scenario (in the context of Light’s Decree procs only hitting one target).
I’m aware this is just one example of my own experience but the only thing I myself have noticed a difference on is Reaping packs. I’m sure I’d notice it on Opulence if we had a consistent gem scenario across both of our kills because the Light’s Decree potential with the add spawns there is pretty insane. Please don’t take that as a slight jab Topaz holders we love and respect your sacrifice, you’re all saints but please buff me, thanks .