#1 - March 20, 2013, 2:54 p.m.
Remember to keep it clean and positive. Happy Wednesday everyone!
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh-darn it, people like me.
"I want you to know that taking your time and stopping to hear people's stories is not a bad thing. True, you may not reach level cap as quickly as everyone else, you may not have the most powerful gear in the game, you may not experience hard mode raiding, but by doing what you find interesting and enjoyable, you have something a lot of WoW players dont: fun."
If I was talking to a floating candle I would say:
Don't burn your fire at both ends!
Relax more.
Look at Azeroth. There's so much that can go wrong with it. The Burning Legion is a constant spectre hovering over your head, waiting for another chance to invade. The remnants of the Scourge still pose a threat throughout the Plaguelands, not to mention Northrend. Cults and creatures devoted to the old gods are an endless struggle to bend the world itself to their dark masters' wills. Deathwing may have fallen, but his masters remain a dagger aimed at our hearts. Even the new lands know no succor. Our emotions give rise to fearsome entities born of conflict and hatred. The mortal races of Azeroth are locked in perpetual struggle that can cost them all.
But all is not dark. You've been all across Azeroth since your birth twenty-nine years ago. You've seen its wonders and horrors, and have not be untouched. The world is a sparkling jewel, unique amongst all the worlds of debris that float within the Twisting Nether. The Titans prized this world above all others, and you have a hint of their magic within you, waiting to be tapped. Archimonde may have called it the "stolen fire", but you tap the very energies of creation itself, drawing on the Titans' wellspring they put on Azeroth. And you use it for good... at least that's what you tell yourself. Magic is like a boomstick - there is no good or evil, it simply rests on what you do with your power.
There's so much darkness in the world, but you have a chance to be a beacon of light and hope. The pandaren believe that they fight because it's in their nature. There's a more simpler explanation for that. Take a look around you, see the wonders of the world. From the crashing thunder of the Storm Peaks to the tranquil farms of the Valley of the Four Winds, across the wasted deserts of Tanaris and Uldum to the fallen dales of once-mighty Lordaeron. All the lands and waters, and their folk too. There's still so much good left in the world to defend. Don't let the shadows overwhelm the Titans' jewel.
Because it's in your nature to fight? No, Nesune al'Saar. You fight because some things are just worth fighting for.
03/20/2013 08:37 AMPosted by LignarI took a creative writing class where we were encouraged to critique one another's work. The rule was that we always praise before we criticize. If you only highlight what's wrong the person you're trying to help will likely give your opinion less weight than if you also point out what is good or correct with their effort.You've very smart to approach it this way, I think.
Thanks! It's something I learned the hard way outside of game. Even over a whisper, raid/guild chat, or vent/mumble, people are still people, so those IRL life skills still apply in game.
03/20/2013 09:07 AMPosted by DawnsnowNo, I'm not going to give you a pep talk. I mean, it's true – you're smart, good looking, talented, and can do anything you put your mind to, but that's not what I'm doing here. I'm here to ask you, if you were to give a pep talk to another player or even your own character, what would it be? How would you encourage them to carry on and persevere over any challenge Azeroth throws at them?Remember to keep it clean and positive. Happy Wednesday everyone!
I hope this isn't the Bull-talk U give to your Boy/Girl-friend, couse if it is, U R not geting laid tonight!
Good looking? Have you seen my hair? I still got some serious bed head going on over here. xD
Edit: If I could dedicate that pep talk to one of my alts, it would have to be my mage.
"Come on Shadelya, you can do this. It's just one more mob...no no, don't drop that Ice Barrier! Crap, BLINK! BLINK AWAY!.....right into a wall....that's cool, sheep the....undead mob...oright...QUICK! RUN! RUN!...you died for a great cause. ;D;"