Armory Site is Invasion of Privacy

#0 - Feb. 28, 2007, 9:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Why would I want the opposing faction to know what gear I have?
That's the worst idea I've heard of in awhile. So many things about this game need to be fixed and this is what you've been working on?! That's just ludicrous.

Q u o t e:
It is the principle of the matter that you are forcing people who may not want to partake in this public revealing of their character.

It should be optional. Period.

sorry, can't remember who said that, but thanks for the quote.

Q u o t e:
Putting aside all of the arguing over whether the site is an invasion of privacy etc, I would like answers to both of the following:

What are the technical reasons not to include a privacy option? Seems to me this would be a relatively simple feature to implement.

How does allowing players a privacy option negatively impact other players ability to use the web site?

thanks Pettysaro.

Q u o t e:
Why is the burden on proof on those that argue against nosiness, rather than on those that feel nosiness is an important element of the game?

thanks Boondoggle

Q u o t e:
+ The issue is Privacy. There are 3 stances you can take

1) Pro-privacy: we should be at the least offered a choice.
2) Anti-privacy: we shouldn't be offered a choice (go ahead and try to argue for that one)
3) Neutral: Who cares, it isn't a big deal.

Don't go around making your stupid neutral posts as though they are against the OP. What is the point in clogging a debate issue with "Well I have no opinion, I think you should stfu"

thanks Sparkel

#73 - Feb. 28, 2007, 10:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Just to play devil's advocate, do you feel that it will truly matter to anyone but the hardcore? Even the most hardcore players are going to just glance at your character in game and know what you're wearing. There are also mods already available that show player gear on inspection no matter their faction.

Not playing devil's advocate, we still want to continue getting player feedback on the new site since it is in beta so that we can see what things need improved upon.

Please note that this new addition to the website is something that was created by the Web Team and does not take away anything from the development of in game balance and features.
#97 - Feb. 28, 2007, 10:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
People will complain about anything.

I hate to do this, but I need to QFT this. People are saying this will cause people to force spec others etc, but this already occurs in game. Harassment comes in many forms. How you deal with it is what makes the difference. If it's something that breaks the terms of service, then we have our GM department to take care of it.