Please for god's sakes - fix trinket macs!

#0 - Feb. 9, 2007, 5:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm really getting royally sick and tired of trinket macros not working properly anymore. I really am. Will you for GODS SAKES please fix it? Just a simple cooldown and equip check and a built-in /stopcasting is all that is needed. I don't want it to try to equip a trinket automatically. I don't want it /stopcasting the spell I was casting before I hit the macro button because the trinket was on cooldown. I don't want it spewing three error messages or making weird sounds every single <explitive> time I try to use my macro.

It isn't rocket science. Trinket macros should be a major part of the game, and before blizzard decided to outlaw /script's while in combat I had some wonderful macros that actually did it properly, without generating error messages. Making people hit their trinkets manually is just ridiculous.

Here's the basic problem. As it stands now there are only two ways to make trinkets sorta work. First:

/cast MyTrinketHere
/cast MySpell


/castsequence reset=COOLDOWN MyTrinketHere,Attack,Attack,Attack,Attack,Attack,...
/cast MySpell

There are severe problems with both methods.

First, if the trinket is not available the UI spews error messages or, even worse, for some trinkets it spews weird cut-off sounds!.

Second, there is no way to tell /stopcasting to ONLY act on the trinket spell, so if you spam a macro key it will interrupt any spell casting you already have active (such as a shadow bolt). Spamming macro keys is an absolute requirement in PvP. It is absurd for /stopcasting to act on your previously cast spells, it makes macroing spells like Shadow Bolt very difficult.

Third, there is no way to tell /castsequence *NOT* to reset, and no way to tell it NOT to cast a spell.

This is what I want, and for gods sakes please implement it!!!!!!!

/cast [cooldown:MyTrinketName] MyTrinketName
/stopcasting [currentspell=MyTrinketName]
/cast MySpell

That's it. That's all I want. I don't want it to try to equip the trinket. I want the /stopcasting nonsense built-it to it (and frankly, ANY instant-cast that doesn't have a global cooldown), or at worst allow us to conditionalize the /stopcasting as shown above. And then I want it to cast my spell.

It's so simple, I just don't understand what the problem is here. And, really, I am sick and tired of my macros making weird sounds and generating error messages.

#34 - Feb. 10, 2007, 3:59 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You'd think someone would quote the person who thoughtfully provided a macro that does what the OP wanted, rather than fan the flames. :)

Oh well, I'll do it:
Q u o t e:
I use a trinket/cast macro without problem. It looks like this:

/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/use Vengeance of the Illidari
/use Glowing Crystal Insignia
/script UIErrorsFrame:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/cast Frostbolt

That uses whichever of my two trinkets isn't on cooldown and casts Frostbolt. it works well, it doesn't generate errors and doesn't interrupt existing spellcasting.

BTW, it's my guess that the error messages are designed with the "I intended to actually use this item when I pushed the button" approach in mind. But there's nothing stopping you from writing macros like the one above, it's just a little more work. :)