When does a guild cross the line?

#0 - Feb. 7, 2007, 3:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As many may realize by glancing at my realm of choice, I play on a roleplaying server. Recently, some events have come to my attention that have sparked debate over the in-game legality of a new guild on said server. Since I can't seem to deduce a clear answer, I was hoping to hear some discussion, and possibly see a Blue response on this matter.

There is a guild that has formed for the sole purpose of engaging in and encouraging ERP - also known as Erotic Role Play. While I have yet to actually meet any of these characters in-game, I have to admit that the idea of interacting with them unsettles me greatly. I don't know how they conduct themselves in character, and whether or not it violates any codes of conduct laid down by Blizzard for the game.

On one hand, if they are conducting their roleplaying in a manner that does not filter into the in-game world, thus keeping it clean and...well, Teen-rated, then I don't really wish to have a problem with the guild's existence. Obviously, if they are polluting the in-game channels with filth, I want to hunt them down and report them until they learn their lesson.

But even if they are "minding their own business," so to speak, I still can't say I'm very much comfortable with the thought of an entire guild devoted to that sort of roleplaying. It seems to me to be against what Blizzard is trying to create in their gameworld, and it's something that will probably always bother me, knowing that it exists.

So I ask of you, what is the opinion on these sorts of guilds in the World of Warcraft? And what can I, or should I, do about it?
#5 - Feb. 7, 2007, 3:18 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Whether or not this guild is violating any policies is entirely contingent upon the exact manner of their "erotic role play." For instance, if said role play is taking place purely within Guild chat, then it is fine (with the exception of any absolutely extreme cases of violence/sexuality). It, otherwise, holds true that all of our standard policies regarding harassment, as well as harassment pertaining to RP realms, should be followed by this guild. It is best to report individuals you feel are violating any in-game policies on an individual basis rather than going straight after an entire guild for purporting to follow a rather... colorful ruleset.
#12 - Feb. 7, 2007, 3:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

As for reporting anybody I ever see violating policies out in the open, I knew that already. I just wasn't comfortable with the idea of an entire guild on my server dedicated to this. WoW just doesn't seem to be the place for people like that to be, you know? -_-;

I do understand the cause for concern; however, so long as they are not pressing their ruleset upon the rest of the Thorium Brotherhood community, what they say in Guild chat is largely considered private. This is similar to our stance on whispers. If I were to come across a rather choice RP interaction in the Goldshire Inn via whisper, it's no violation provided both parties are consenting while keeping the conversation entirely private.

Of course, I'm speaking about an ideal of this guild wishing to keep their matters private (or their privates matter, I don't know). It is very likely that walking such a fine line will cause a few of them to cross it, especially if they become popular. In the end, we are concerned with their actions, what they say publicly, and their name.
#18 - Feb. 7, 2007, 3:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Being a member of a guild is an at will state, which means you choose to be in that guild and can leave if you wish.

You can think of your guild master as the upholder of laws for your guild. If a player in the guild does something that the other members do not like it is his/her responsibility to decide what will be done. They may advise the player that certain language, topics or actions are not welcome; they may kick the player from the guild etc... It is completely up to the leader and by extension anyone else he has imbued with officer abilities what is or is not tolerated in the guild.

It is less likely that a minor offense would have actions taken against them, though that is not guaranteed as we look at many factors when we are investigating a player including past penalties applied to the account. When in doubt feel free to submit a petition to have it looked into.

#23 - Feb. 7, 2007, 4:05 a.m.
Blizzard Post
(n) : swimming birds having heavy short-legged bodies and bills with a horny tip: swans; geese; ducks

(n) : an irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety, usually of or about something particular

Put them together and what does that spell? Evil Ducks!
#86 - June 28, 2007, 5:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Thread necromancy is bad, mmk? :)