Stop the WotLK Misinformation! Please!

#0 - Aug. 6, 2007, 4:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So much misinformation is flying around that it makes me sick. Does anybody actually take the time to read the official Blizzard Wrath of the Lich King website, or do they just take everything that they read on any 'ol random forum and take it as truth ("It was on teh internetz, it must be trooth!!!").

Anyway -

• YES, Death Knights are real.
• NO, your current character DOES NOT become a Death Knight. Completing a level 80 questline "unlocks" the ability to create a level 60 (or somewhere in that level range) Death Knight of any race.
• NO, Death Knights are NOT more powerful than any other class. They are equal and will be balanced accordingly.


• YES, you CAN use flying mounts in Northrend, but only after level 75 or so (done to stop premature completion of content)
• NO, Northrend IS NOT completely frozen wasteland. It's more like Canada rather than the north pole.
• NO, Northrend vendors do not sell bagged milk due to said similarity to Canada.


• YES, Dalaran IS the capitol of Northrend.
• NO, Dalaran IS NOT just a giant shiny pink bubble with a funny name (yes, I've seen some that thought this >_<)
• YES, the mages of the Kirin'Tor rebuilt Dalaran.
• YES, Dalaran is floating over Northrend. Not that hard of a concept to grasp, the mages in it are very powerful and could do damn well whatever they want with their city.

I'll edit this post whenever I see some other moronic false information flying around.

All the information above can be verified by either visiting or by watching the Blizzcon videos on Youtube.
#42 - Aug. 6, 2007, 4:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There is a lot of great and very accurate information coming out of many of the fan sites. We will also be doing what we can to keep the Wrath of the Lich King site itself up to date with information. And, we will also be answering whatever we can on the forums for you here as well.

It's easy for there to be confusion when new information just comes out since some people seem to thrive on perpetuating misinformation for the fun of it and others accidentally get caught up in it.

We'll do what we can on our end to clear things up wherever we can. Just please remember that there are still a lot of concepts in development and things obviously aren't complete as of yet. We have a lot we are working on for the continuing evolution of the game including some more goodies for the Burning Crusade itself. Let's try to take everything in a bit at a time. We're excited to get it all done, done well, and accessible to everyone, but we're going to keep to the schedules we feel will bring that to bear in the best possible way.
#53 - Aug. 6, 2007, 5:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

They're fighting specifically against the Blue Dragonflight since their leader (forget his/her name) declared war upon all magic users.

Malygos, will begin to reclaim his sanity and isn't too pleased that so many mortals are running amok tossing fireballs at each other etc. He remembers the near annihilation of the world from magic run amok before and wants to prevent that from happening again so will be hunting down magic users with a vengeance as will all of the blue flight.

Don't worry though, Alexstrasza's brood will be entering into the fray to lend a helping claw. Chris Metzen mentioned that he's been working with Richard Knaak on a new series for the Manga that will explain a bit more about just how Malygos regains the sanity that Deathwing shattered as well as the result of him regaining it.

The Kirin Tor have moved Dalaran to Northrend both to fight the Lich King and to face off against the blue dragonflight. Things are going to get dangerous up that way.