Anyone else cancelling until expansion?

#0 - Aug. 6, 2007, 2:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Expansion sounds cool, new class, new profession, new continent, new level cap, new BGs!
However, it kind of makes playing now seem a little... pointless? I can grind Scryer rep, in order to... find the rep is worthless in Northrend like the Azeroth reps were in Outlands? I can get items that... will be replaced within 4 levels of Northrend? I can... save up tons of honor, hoping that there will be level 80 bg gear? Well, one thing is for sure. I can save up thousands of gold in order to powerlevel my dark knight with inscription once the expansion comes out.
-shrug- Don't get me wrong, I like WoW, I just like WoW a lot more when I feel what I'm doing has some sort of purpose (yes I know it's just a game).
So, I'm probably going to cancel until expansion comes out and then re-subscribe quite happily.
Again, this isn't me QQing about MS or Warlocks or whatever else. I like the game, I just feel I need incentives to advance.
Anyone else?
#66 - Aug. 6, 2007, 5:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I think that you will miss out on some more great things that are going to be added if you decide to do so, but we'll keep the lights on for you if you choose to take a break.