Looking for Group Channel

#0 - June 3, 2008, 1:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post
In the Blackwater Raiders Realm, there are many people including myself that are having problems with the looking for group channel. I for one, cannon see the channel, but can type in it. I tried leaving the channel then joining it again, that worked somewhat but then I was still in the channel when I was not in the LFG queue.

I read a help file while online that said delete your WTF folder, I didn't try this yet, I just want to know if this is a known problem since there are many players I am grouping with that claim they have the same problem.
#2 - June 3, 2008, 2 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Stop ignoring the important server issues moderators!

It's barely been 10 minutes. No need to bump, bud. =/

This issue is usually a result of addons causing a strange issue with your chat features. I'd recommend the following just to make sure:

Q u o t e:
Windows XP/2000
-Click the Start button, select Programs, select Accessories and select Windows Explorer.
-In the new window click the + beside the My Computer option, this should expand a list.
-Click the + beside the Hard Disk with the (C:) label on the end (Or whichever Hard Disk the game was installed on).
-Click the + beside Program Files.
-Scroll down until you find World of Warcraft in the list and double click it.
-In the panel on the right there should be a list of files and folders, the WTF, CACHE, and INTERFACE folders should be in this list.
-Single click one of those folders and it should become highlighted, once that folder is highlighted press the Delete key on your keyboard. Do this for all three folders.
-Once the three folders have been deleted you can close Windows Explorer.
-Start the game again using the World of Warcraft Launcher to see if this helps resolve your issue.

If you're using Windows Vista, or OS X, please refer to: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=20377 for the appropriate steps.

Also, please make sure that you are actually in the LFG system when attempting to use the LFG Channel.