Cat out of control - what shall I do ?

#0 - May 23, 2008, 3:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm having a fat and relatively lazy tomcat (well all cats are lazy).
I figured some time ago out that the fat bugger could at least do something for the 4 can of cat food he devours every day.
Now, we all know that everybody - REALLY everybody can play WoW.
Hence, I thought it would be a good idea to teach him to play WoW so that he can at least farm primals for me. That would make his decadent feline lifestyle at least a little bit productive.
Since, the CMs here were a little unclear if you can let play your cat on your own account, I just got him a second one. Wow is not that expensive. And primals would be rolling in in the end, right ?

Actually, I was more successful than I expected. While I had to set up some macros, the cat picked the game pretty fast. I rolled him a druid for cat form - hahaha. Well, I thought that he might like that in his little cat brain. Actually he did.
He got to level 70 in about 4 weeks, mainly playing when I was at work. And at level 70 my plan worked. At first. Every evening I got about 10 primals in my mailbox. However, after some weeks the nice steady flow of primals did ebb. Well, I wasn't really surprised about that since cats have a short attention span and are quite easily bored. So, I didn't think much about it.

However, few weeks later I got to my surprise an invite of one of the top raiding guild on the server which are farming BT. I'm in kara gear btw. Asking why they were so keen on getting me into their guild, they told me that their main dps druid requested it. Apparently the druid was outdpsing every other player by 20%, so they were bound to do his bidding. Wondering about this mysterious druid benefactor, I found out when joining the guild that it was actually my fat tomcat still playing. It seems that he got bored with primal farming and moved into raiding. Since he did a good job of clawing bosses apart, the guilds where putting up with someone never getting onto vent.

While this would make one of these cute cat stories alone, the problems turned up soon after. It seems that my cat also does pvp. World pvp. In fact he is obsessed with ganking other druids. When he is not raiding, he usually camps the flightpoint in Orgrimmar or some in the Outland for hapless druids. Apparently, after having seen druids using cat form, he seems to believe that all other druids are cats too. And as a real slightly...err...dominant tomcat he would just try to tear them apart. And he would duel spam any druid from the same faction. For tearing apart purposes.

Right now I'm getting quite a lot of flak on my server from other guilds, since they have realized that I'm somehow responsible for my cat ( they don't know that the cat is a cat of course). Druids are rerolling and leveling alts and most guilds have problems to find a druid now. And I'm getting the blame.
I wonder what I should do. Should I cancel the account of my cat ? But he seems to enjoy it and I feel bad about it since I got like 300 primals out of the cat. I really don't know what to do here.

#7 - May 23, 2008, 4:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Screenshots or it didn't happen.