Priest forum "How to level.." Sticky

#0 - May 1, 2008, 6:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I apologize if it seems to be a nonsense problem, but I'm leveling a shadow priest and I've been trying to follow the sticky in the priest forums.

Unfortunately the links for the builds seem to be all messed up. Numbers are backwards, points are supposed to be in places that it doesn't appear to be in, etc.

I wanted to point it out because I believe the stickied post is quite helpful, but only until level 40 when it suggests to respec and links the spec. It's hard to understand what the build is :(

I know others have noticed too, and once again I'm sorry if you have more important matters to tend to, I just think it might be helpful to other people like myself who need some advice :).

Here's the link to that particular thread..

and here's is what I'm talking about....

You can see that the second link has some confusing errors. Was just hoping it could be fixed?
#4 - May 1, 2008, 6:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm going to very, very frank. By this, I simply mean honest. :)

I realize you're frustrated, Skekses, and I can appreciate your concern just as any other. It's no more or no less valid than those which have been expressed herein. Where your request does differ, however, is in capability; while we Customer Service Forum Moderators can assist with a variety of issues, we literally cannot aide in the manner you've described. We cannot modify posts in other forums beyond our own.

And I don't mean we that we wont. Or that we are bound by a specific policy. Or that we are unable to given certain parameters. I honestly, truly mean that we do not possess the power to do so. We don't have the button. It's just not there. Such is completely under the purview of our Forum Moderation team. Yup yup.

Even so, I'm not quite sure whether or not our Forum Mods will be able to assist with your specific issue, either. Without spending too much time browsing the entire sticky, has someone else perhaps provided a working link? Also, do you know if the original poster is still active?

Right now, your best options are to 1) contact the original author and give him or her a heads up; 2) locate another updated and fully functional yet similar post and request for it to be stickied; or 3) report the primary post for including a bad link and then provide a correct example within your notes (similarly, that sort of report would probably be sent to I'm not really sure how feasible these avenues are, but they're definitely worth a shot!

Good luck. :D

#8 - May 1, 2008, 7 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
The sad thing is, I somewhat agree with the OP. The priest forums don't seem to be moderated very heavily. The sticky on our class forums dealing with mana regeneration, for example, is outdated beyond comprehension due to the intellect/spirit changes in the 2.4 patch. Sadly, I don't think there is a way to request a thread be unstuck. Might be something to look into in the future for development on the next forum software change.

Have someone create a new, updated-yet-equal leveling progression topic and request for it to be stickied. Within your notes, ask for it to replace the current sticky and provide a link.

Have a lot of people agree on one particular post and report it that new post and every day. Make sure your notes are polite and informative. :)