I main prot and it’s awesome. So I wanted to try holy and heal some peeps for a change.
Firstly it just feels really weird. I’m not really squishy or scared of mobs if one agroes on me. I almost still feel like a tank without agro control and about 50k less health.
Second the healing is so bad. For mythic it’s more viable but after spamming as hard as I could in a raid, watching a monk with 20 ilvl lower than me keep up… well I was embarrassed. And to watch a druid, only 1 ilvl lower than more than double the HPS.
Honestly they are great for dedicated tank healers, but for raid wide heals, that will always be a negative. I’m aware of the smart healing holy has but it honestly doesn’t compare to whatever other healer kits are capable off.
At 369ilvl I just find 9k hps, just bad. Or maybe I’m wrong. What do other holy pallies think.
Honestly thinking about rolling priest just to satisfy my needs of healing.