Requestioning a Ban (edited for title)

#0 - March 22, 2008, 6:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
As already mentioned previously:

Q u o t e:
When a report is received, both sides of the conversation are reviewed and penalized (if a violation is, indeed, found to have occurred on either end). I assure you that those involved were handled appropriately and equitably.

If the player in question wishes to dispute the actions taken, they need to contact our Account Administration department.

Account Administration:


I think that we've established the appropriate methods, and this discussion has run it's course.

This was from a previous post as a GM response. I'd just like to point out that he would have replied to the ban he got for typing "moo" in /1 the other night but the email was from a do not reply email. If you really want people to do this when they have a problem instead of coming here try giving that something to reply to.

Oh and I'm sure I'll get banned for posting this so gg. Just trying to figure out how typing "moo" in /1 after someone talked was bannable, but seems that blizz would rather ban 10 people from the forums than give a straight answer on what all is "bannable".
#3 - March 22, 2008, 6:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The e-mail specifically states to contact our Account Administration department if they wish to discuss the issue. Also:

Q u o t e:
but seems that blizz would rather ban 10 people from the forums than give a straight answer on what all is "bannable".

I'm really not sure what you're talking about. *shrug* If you wish to review our policies, and what is "bannable", please refer to:

I hope that reading the information in the above links clarifies the situation for you.

You may also want to refer to — most specifically:

Q u o t e:
Do not post about locked or deleted threads.
Posts that are moderated have a reason behind the moderation. We lock before we post on a locked thread to stop the violation in question as soon as possible, so if you have yet to see a comment by a member of the community team on a locked thread, please wait for it and do not post on the subject. If you do have questions regarding forum moderation, please use the contact list below.

And: .
#94 - March 22, 2008, 2:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
While perhaps moot at this juncture, I'll like to provide further clarification.

The word "moo" is not the culprit here; though, it is the technical phrase by which we have documented the penalty within our records. Empirically, it is the context in which "moo" or "/e moo" was used, to whom, to what extent, and with what intent. It may be argued that emotes are benign, possessing no inherent ill-nature—and this is true; however, when additional evidence was examined—character names, for one, as well as in-game conversations outside of exchanges of "/e moo"—it was discovered that your guild mate was not mooing because he's in touch with his bovine side, thinks milk does a body good, or longs for greener was a regrettably purposeful tactic to insult another individual. And it is the fact that this was done repeatedly that your guild mate and healer received not one, but two suspensions.

It's likely there's been quite a few isolated incidents of misunderstanding. My advice is to put those aside. Dread—encourage Twalala to place all known characters of Willow on ignore, at least until such a time as he is no longer tempted to converse in the manner which led us here. Willow—you do the same, if you have not already. If the temptation exists beyond the game, be sure that each is placed on ignore on these forums, as well. Should a meeting be desired, it may prove beneficial to do so verbally and while moderated by a peer, as—as tensions rise—words may slip out that are not intended and such may lead to another undesired incident of hindered game play.

Also, as a last gesture, perhaps ensuring—for at least the time being, until things settle down—that people are not attempting to exacerbate the matter with signatures or side comments would be a good thing. While running away from the issue is never recommended, avoiding situations which may cause agitation is.

That all said, I'm glad calm discussion is occurring. I'm happy to ensure that this thread remains open so that "healing" can continue.

Let me know if there's any other form of help I can provide.
#97 - March 22, 2008, 3:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Fraid' that's not my territory, Aik. Perhaps another would be willing to do so. :)
#111 - March 22, 2008, 8:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I've no problem with that at all, insofar as conversation remains civil.
#123 - March 22, 2008, 9:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
They're not the same person, Aik. I removed your initial post to get rid of a bit of inaccurate conjecture; didn't want it to permeate this board. :)