#1 - May 22, 2012, 2:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This is somewhat of a question/suggestion for the developers.

I often think that the original reason for hunters to have to depend on pets was so that they could tank and keep mobs away from the hunter's dead zone. Now given MoP's removal of the dead zone and the hunter's new ability of being able to shoot regardless of minimum distance, would there be a possiblity for a spec that allows for a petless hunter? Don't get me wrong, I love the pet metagame, but I'd often like to think of my hunter as a solitary survivalist, and maybe a spec that allows for the hunter to not depend on a pet might make the class more appealing to people who are driven away from it only because they don't like the pet playstyle.

If anyone wants to troll or make fun of me for this post, welcome, but at least make it creative or witty.