New items able to be stored on key ring?

#0 - Nov. 27, 2006, 12:05 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Taken from 1.13 patch notes:
Q u o t e:
Keyrings have been expanded to hold more key-type items and will now size dynamically for the number of keys in possession.
Would anyone happen to have a complete list of all of the items this applies to? Some I can think of would be Scepter of Celebras, Seal of Ascension, and hopefully Drakefire Amulet, but I'm not sure on any of those. Onyxia Scale Cloak would be nice too, but that may be asking too much. :P
#6 - Nov. 27, 2006, 12:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Items that can be worn or used for things besides simply unlocking doors won't be placed on the keyring, and that's due to the functionality or type of the item not being something that would normally be placed on a keyring. Despite the fantastical nature of the game and setting there are many considerations put in to making it feel like a cohesive universe, and the keyring is just one of them.

What is being added are more actual keys, including ones that are temporary, used in quests, or those that only exist inside of a dungeon, etc. Also in the expansion we're attempting to make more keys actual keys so that they make sense being allowed on the keyring.
#13 - Nov. 27, 2006, 12:51 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I swear my keyring is smaller on the PTR. I'll have to double-check.

I believe it sizes itself now to accommodate keys as your acquire them instead of just giving you large blank groups of space. That may be the difference you're seeing.