Still no Beta

#1 - May 2, 2012, 1:03 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Signed up for AP in October still no beta invite and still no updates whats going on?
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#20 - May 2, 2012, 3:32 a.m.
Blizzard Post
05/01/2012 06:29 PMPosted by Berelythia
We have established that is the problem, sir. The only solution would be for them to call Blizzards customer support which can be found by going into account -> contact us

Actually, it has been stated numerous times that In-Game Support is unable to assist with such issues. Please do not call them, they will only be able to tell you that they are unable to help.

05/01/2012 06:27 PMPosted by Maldo
Blizzard posted all of the MoP beta's have been sent out.

Actually, that is incorrect. As the link and quote that Flatspriest provided indicates folks who signed up after the 18th have not. There was also a small percentage of folks who experienced an issue when they tried to apply the beta account. That matter is being looked into and addressed as soon as possible.

05/01/2012 06:35 PMPosted by Berelythia
The OP still needs to call Blizzard customer service to find out if they are even apart of either of those two groups of exceptions, what the 'exception' on their account was, just what the resolution is, and when they should expect the beta invite.

If you signed up for the Annual Pass and you do not yet have a Mists of Pandaria beta account on your account you are part of one of those two groups. In-Game Support is unable to provide details as to why you may not yet have the invite, what the resolution is or when they may expect the invite.

05/01/2012 07:11 PMPosted by Berelythia
They did for me. They sent the beta client link in an email. Poof! Problem solved.

Actually, your issue was entirely different. You had access to Diablo III beta, as indicated by the invite you received from us, but it wasn't displaying. The troubleshooting steps were given to help make it appear for you. They in no way adjusted your Beta access, as they do not have the ability to do that.

05/01/2012 07:11 PMPosted by Berelythia
These people should have been in the beta with all of the other people who signed the same exact contract. The argument that Blizzard is off the hook and we shouldn't worry about it if the person gets only 1 minute of beta testing time is a highly inflammatory statement. That kind of statement is what has ensured that I will never do such business with Blizzard again in the future.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that we're "off the hook", Berelythia, only that the course of action you seem to be suggesting would not actually do anything to help the situation. Annual Pass holders will receive beta access for the Mists of Pandaria, that is a guarantee. Often in the course of a conversation on this type of subject, when someone is supposed to receive one of the promotional benefits is usually at the heart of the confusion. Reenela is simply pointing out a contractual technicality to counter your argument.

That isn't to say that we aren't trying to get every single person with an active Annual Pass the ability to participate in the MoP beta as quickly as possible. We absolutely are and have continually shown that is remains a high priority.
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#21 - May 2, 2012, 3:33 a.m.
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05/01/2012 08:26 PMPosted by Darkmouse
Yes i have checked my and no I do not have the beta

Hopefully they will figure out the issue soon so it can be added to the account, Darkmouse, I am very sorry for the frustration this has caused.
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#69 - May 2, 2012, 8:38 p.m.
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05/02/2012 05:09 AMPosted by Crytek
Vrakthris, I have had AP (since Oct. 21st) but my account has been frozen due to lack of subscription/funds in my bank account. Could this be a reason why I have not received MoP beta invite yet? Do I have to have active WoW subscription to get MoP beta access?

That is extremely possible, Crytek. In order to qualify for the promotional benefits you must be fulfilling the promotional agreement. If your subscription has lapsed, after a certain amount of time, all Annual Pass benefits would be removed from the account. Meaning the Tyrael Charger's mount will be removed from the associated World of Warcraft license, you will be unable to access Diablo III when it is released (unless you purchase it separately), and you would not have access to Mists of Pandaria beta testing.

Depending on the conditions, our Billing and Account Services may be able to help reactivate the Annual Pass on the account. It honestly depends on how long ago it may have lapsed though.

05/02/2012 05:53 AMPosted by Crytek
I received my D3 already but yeah I figured the frozen account would be the cause.

It looks like you recently added a subscription to the account, do you have the mount when you log in to one of your characters? If not, that means the benefits were removed while it was lapsed so you'll want to contact Billing to make sure everything is in order.

Now, if the problem with these remaining accounts cannot be resolved in time for these customers to fully enjoy this benefit (that means for more than just a few days), I imagine Blizz would work out some reasonable alternative compensation. But hopefully it doesn't come to that.

I had forgotten about that thread. Hello there, Skurree. :)

As Skurree mentioned we are doing what we can to hunt down the issue that is preventing some folks from having the Mists of Pandaria beta added to their account. I do understand the frustration this matter has caused.

As soon as an updated becomes available I am positive that one of our Community Managers will post it. If I can find out more information I will be happy to do it myself, though again, CS has no involvement in beta participation so what I have access to is limited.

05/02/2012 11:57 AMPosted by ßarrier
No, the original plan was to give every AP holder INSTANT access the moment beta went live.

I'm sorry, Barrier, but no it wasn't. If you notice the date on the link that Skurree provided, that was from 4 days after the promotion was launched. While there was some confusion surrounding the original announcement we did clarify where we could and had done so in the very early days of the promotion.

05/02/2012 12:03 PMPosted by ßarrier
The original contract for AP stated that you would get immediate access to the beta once it went live.

No, actually it did not. Some thought the original advertisement meant that each person who signed up for the Annual Pass would receive access when the beta testing period started. That was later clarified, but the agreement itself, that you were directed to review prior to signing up wasn't changed at all. Well, it was changed to update the cut off date for those who could sign up (it was extended), but not the terms of the promotional benefits.

As this particular discussion has been had a few times and there is nothing productive that can be accomplished by continuing it, I'm going to lock this thread up.

Thank you all.