Account wide achievements are a let-down

#1 - April 27, 2012, 1:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please keep this a constructive thread. I'm not making a troll, or QQ post, just making an honest discussion so please keep it that way.

Account-wide achievements in their (current as per my observation) state are truly a let-down and borderline pointless. Any titles/mounts/vanity items etc don't seem to be account-wide, and the acheivement is not actually earned on other characters... it simply just "shows" that you have had it completed on another character, you don't get any other benefit from it... no points, no rewards.

Just sorta saddens me that Blizz said they had to overcome all these technical hurdles and have us wait for a long time and this is all they are providing. People are going to have to re-do achievements still anyways. The only thing that has changed is that they are highlighted instead of greyed out. Not sure what all the effort was put in for.

Anyways, if I'm mistaken on how it's supposed to work, let me know. Yes I know that pets (and possibly) mounts are supposed to be account wide. Please keep this constructive. Thanks =)
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#57 - April 27, 2012, 9:19 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Our intent is that most achievement rewards (mounts etc.) should be at the account level. I can't promise that because it's not in and working yet, but that's the intent.

There are probably going to be enough account-level achievement questions that we should put a blog together to explain it all. We'll see if we can find time to do that.
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#76 - April 27, 2012, 9:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The word 'most' seems prevalent in any discussion involving the account-wide achievements.

Is there a specific sort of achievement that should be character-only? I'm assuming that any feat of strength like 'Realm First..." may be limited to a character.. as well as anything involving professions. Can't think of anything else.

We aren't planning (for now) to have any character only achievements, but there will probably be some account only achievements. These would be things like level a Horde and Alliance character to 90, which wouldn't make sense for one character. Technically, an account-only achievement is different from account-wide, hence the "most." Maybe it's too technical a point to bother with though.