There’s a lot to dislike about this patch, but this talent is not one of them. This talent is actually really cool and interesting, with a very high skill ceiling.
There’s a lot to dislike about this patch, but this talent is not one of them. This talent is actually really cool and interesting, with a very high skill ceiling.
This coupled with Retribution proccing from ally deaths is just…way too fun. Especially if you pick up HoW, you just become a winged death machine, since we can Divine Steed as well we’re basically a holy horsemen/women of apocalyptic hammer throwing.
It’s definitely a creative talent! Haven’t been able to really find a use for it in Arena yet over the other talents being far more consistent but it’s great in WPVP and BGs.
Knowing the philosophy behind the Divine Purpose/Relentless Inquisitor interaction, I assume its the same thing but I’ll double check. Since you aren’t “spending” HP it shouldn’t trigger the effect. So the damage is correctly not triggering but the animation might not be getting the message.