Spinebreaker Issue

#0 - Feb. 1, 2008, 4:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The Spinebreaker server has been having a lot of problems. This has been interfering with a lot of raids and affects a lot of your loyal customers. Vivendi Games just boasted awesome quarterly earnings thanks to WoW but this server has had many problems with the Instance servers and the world servers. I am starting to become very concerned with the issue because there have been claims that some work has been done on Spinebreaker; however, there has been no improvements to the server. The problems continue to persist and I would like some concrete proof in an improvement of the reliability of the server sometime soon. I am not a very happy customer and I am not alone so please do something as soon as possible. If the server has to go down for an entire day to revamp the server, then so be it...i think it's worth it.
#43 - Feb. 1, 2008, 5:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Lol, they took the time to edit your post, but didn't bother trying to address the issue at hand no show any concern over anything other than your language. GG.

My apologies for any confusion, Oshiri. While it may have seemed like I was not addressing the issue, I was in-fact doing just that. I felt that it was more pertinent to look into the matter first, rather than provide an uninformed answer. With that said, our technicians are looking into the matter — as they always are — and while it may seem like they are not, I assure you that they are.

Would you rather them stop what they are doing to provide regular updates or continue to address the issue? My colleagues and I — as well as our technicians — feel that it is more worthwhile to address the issues at hand rather than provide updates which may not be anything more than "We're still working on it."

Do I know exactly what it is that our realm technicians do to address issues such as this? No, I do not because I am not one of them. So, until the issue has been alleviated, or we have more information on the matter than has already been provided, there is nothing much to say other than: "Yes, we know."

With that said: yes, we know and yes, we are still working to address the issue.
#61 - Feb. 1, 2008, 5:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I feel that you (Blizzard as a whole) fail to realize that our frustration lies not with tonights issues, but with the repeated issues as a whole.

Only because I feel this is a small portion of the response I would like to provide to you, I will keep it short in regards to this: I assure you that we are fully aware of what your concerns regarding the realm are.

Q u o t e:
However, my real frustration (and I'll bet the same is true for many people) is that during the rest of the time, Blizzard does not seem to be working toward a solution to these continuous problems

Again, while it may seem that this is the case, we are fully aware of the situation, and our technicians are working constantly to eliminate the issue. Sadly, some issues take longer to resolve than others; some things merely require a restart to resolve, where as others take much more to find a resolution. In the world of technology, it can be many things causing a single issue, or a number of things causing a number of issues, which seem like a single issue. These things take time — it is very regrettable that your realm has experienced this — and I hope that we are able to get you running at full capacity as quickly as possible.

Q u o t e:
If you are looking for solutions even when times are good, tell us! Letting us know that you recognize the inherent issues with our server makes us feel like we matter and are not just some entity to make a profit off of.

While I understand your concerns regarding updates, it really is not plausible to provide constant updates regarding your realm specifically. If we provided this service, it would be expected that we provide it for the multitude of other realms. Is the information really that necessary? No, not really in the end. We will provide updates regarding issues that arise with specific realms when needed.

Q u o t e:
I know you guys work hard, but if you would be more forthcoming, you wouldn't have to get on the defensive every two nights or so.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that my colleagues and I — those of us who post on this forum — are Game Masters. We address issues that arise regarding In-Game matters that are brought to our attention on this forum. We are not in charge of Realm Maintenance nor are we in charge of anything else technical. With that said, we are providing the information that we have available to you, when we receive it. It is impossible to pull information from nowhere folks (unless of course you want false information).
#66 - Feb. 1, 2008, 6:36 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I don't mean to be contrary, Aliagorn, but there is a very significant difference between something that is meant to run one process over and over again, and one that is experiencing constant connections, and different forms of data inquiries from all over the world. Now, if you take that fact and extrapolate it out to each and every realm/server it can take quite a bit more than something meant to return to repetitive function.

Q u o t e:
While you say people are working on it, they have not produced results. Seems to me you need to take corrective action...and put some form of root cause analysis procedures into place to help you more readily troubleshoot these issues.

I never stated that they have found the ultimate resolution. When I say they are working on it, I mean that they are working to find a resolution, and not one that will likely fall apart and cause more issues. I would also like to reiterate that I am not a realm technician, nor do I have the training or the know-how to resolve the issue. I do however know that they are working on it.

Q u o t e:
So fix all the servers that are having problems. We're not saying that just our server should be fixed. No one should have to put up with their server being this bad.

Our realm technicians are constantly working to resolve any and all realm issues that arise, not just on one realm.
#86 - Feb. 5, 2008, 3:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As I have mentioned previously in this thread, we will provide updates as we have them. You are all welcome to continue posting here if you so wish, but I ask that the discuss remain constructive.
#97 - Feb. 5, 2008, 4:50 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I will ask one last time that any posts made in this thread be constructive, if not it will end with me locking it. I do not want to do so; please do not push the issue. Once again: keep it constructive.
#104 - Feb. 5, 2008, 5:03 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I'm sorry blue poster, but how can we constructive when we're obviously very frustruated? We're tired of clearing trash over and over again and getting bosses possibly downed and then server lagging out. It's hard to be constructive and fair when we're obviously outraged by legit claims of insufficient service provided by Blizzard and the Tech Support.

This post is constructive; I did not mean to imply that it need be positive — as we completely understand your frustration — but merely appropriate. Posting irrational commentary and inappropriate language is not constructive, whereas expressing your opinion in a manner such as the quoted post is.
#121 - April 11, 2008, 2:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
No need for two of these posts. Let's keep it to one:
