Very misleading new blue post

#0 - Jan. 31, 2008, 10:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Bornakk your new free transfer post has a very misleading title. There are quite a few players, like myself, waiting patiently for a new realm. You throw those buzz words in there to obv grab peoples attention but I think a better title would have been "free char transfers TO a new realm".

While technically it would be a new realm, most people would agree that a New Realm would be a realm free of 70s running around. A realm that starts from scratch. A realm we are waiting for.

You can make it up to all of us that got our hopes up just to be crushed again. Just give us a hint to when a real new realm will open. (Obv something less vague then "when we meet our pop goals on the current ones")
#9 - Jan. 31, 2008, 11:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Bornakk your new free transfer post has a very misleading title. There are quite a few players, like myself, waiting patiently for a new realm. You throw those buzz words in there to obv grab peoples attention but I think a better title would have been "free char transfers TO a new realm".

While technically it would be a new realm, most people would agree that a New Realm would be a realm free of 70s running around. A realm that starts from scratch. A realm we are waiting for.

You can make it up to all of us that got our hopes up just to be crushed again. Just give us a hint to when a real new realm will open. (Obv something less vague then "when we meet our pop goals on the current ones")

I'm sorry to hear that it wasn't what you were looking for, but we wanted people to know that it is a brand new realm that people are transferring to and we will open up character creation for everybody once the transfers are complete.

At this time we have no announcement to make regarding a new non-transfer realm.