Does Blizzard Favor Alliance?

#0 - Jan. 23, 2008, 1:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Because if AV is any indication....they most certainly do. Yes, I know how to play AV, yes I win sometimes in AV. But PLEASE...for the love of all that is fair and good...BALANCE AV BASES!!!

Yes i'm complaining, ya QQ whatever flame away but the following are all valid points:

The Bridge vs FW Entrance - Half way across bridge, crossfire from both bunkers = way more dmg taken than entering FW.

Bunkers vs Towers - Once inside a Bunker, careful placement of person to avoid @%#*** by archers...Towers - once at the top, all warm and cozy, no worries of interupting archers. Why does horde have Isolated Flags???

NPCs at Aid are imo the #1 reason for Horde's lack of out zerging the alliance. The amount of NPCs in the area by AID is rediculous. One hunter firing multishot, one mage fear...the entire base is on us in an instant. This is absurd. The alliance simply ride in FW, ride past any NPCs out there, and only have to worry about Towers and Hut.

I was just in an AV today, I died in Dreks room trying to slow down another Allies rush....Do you know who they had tanking Drek after they sheeped the Dogs??? A Rogue....a rogue tanked Drek, ROFLMAO.

There are numerous complaints but IMO these are the ones most in need of balancing.

Do I think Horde are to blame for most ot the losses in my battle group, sure....the concept of "D" is just throw a bunch of people at the alliance zerg, most people dont actualy fight in towers or bunkers like you should...rogue/druids fail to ninja bunkers early on, etc. However....there are still balance issues that go beyond bad play.
#10 - Feb. 29, 2008, 5:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Does Blizzard Favor Alliance?


Next please.
#63 - Feb. 29, 2008, 7:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

This can only mean one thing.

Blizzard favors the Horde.

No. Wrong.

Anything else?
#71 - Feb. 29, 2008, 8:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Do ya favor cheese?

mmmm cheese, definitely one of my favorite foods, right up there with special ribs and especially big chicken fingers.