#1 - Jan. 3, 2012, 11:59 a.m.
In Cata though World PVP has almost been dead..... There are NO PVP Quests....No PVP zones....Tol Barad is a Joke... compared to what Wintergrasp WAS...
I read that MoP wont even have a battleground like WG or TB, wont have any PVP quests, or even a PVP hub....
What happen to World PVP stuff?
In WoW we had the EPL Towers and the Dust in Slithus to fight over. We also had the battles between South Shore and Terran Mill all the time.
In Burning Crusade we had 3 zones with PVP Buffs to fight over. Hellfires Towers, The Marsh Twin Towers, and Nagrand's Halaa.
WotLK we had Grizzly Hills with Daily PVP quests, and ...
Wintergrasp, A Zone for PVPing. Rich with Materials but dangerous because you couldnt fly, you had to walk around collecting things always mindful that at any moment someone or something could appear and kill you for that ore or herb your collecting.
A Battleground that offered a continent wide XP Buff, and the ability to collect more elemental mats, and ofcourse the Raid Instance.
But in Cataclysm....
We got Tol Barad. A Quest Hub that doesnt flag you for PVP at all even thought its a "battleground" between the Hellscream Reach and the Wardens.
The only time your flagged is if your in the Tol Barad BG area during the battle. After that win or lose you can hangout in the area with impunity.
The Dailys in Twilight Highlands between Dragonmaw and the Dwarves could have been a PVP Daily Quest area. It pits you against the enemy factions NPC's why not pit you against players too.
In Mists of Pandara
Blizzard says its going to be all about HORDE vs ALLIANCE again. No 3rd faction of Evil this or that. No Demi God or Dragon or Demons to work together to defeat. Yet if what im reading is correct unless your on a PVP(RPPVP) Server, the only Horde vs Alliance youll get to experaince is against easily defeatable NPCs that couldnt fight their way out of a paper bag.
Why doesn't blizzard support World PVP anymore?
Not everyone likes having to do Random BG's. Do blizzard even play BG's anymore? Do they know how bad and unfun they are?
Examples of the last 5-10 Random BG's I played.
Horde Team.
10 People. 1 Healer. 2 Afk People. 1 Guy spamming from the start to "Let them win."
Alliance Team.
10 people. 5 Healers 1 Night Elf, Nude running around randomly dancing. 1 Blood DK who sat in the Horde GY killing people because the 4-5 people respawning couldnt kill him...
Long Story Short,
Why can't we have little areas of PVP in Mists?
Why can't we have 1 zone or PVP Quest Hub to fight over?
Not every player wants to play on a PVP server where every highlevel zone they quest in there is a chance they will get ganked by 3-4 Rogues. Some people want to be able to do their quests and then mybe if they are feeling up for a fight with a friend or two jumping into a pvp area to do some risky pvp quests for a reward or the chance to collect some valuable materials at the risk of their lives.