It's more than pathetic - It's insulting

#0 - Jan. 5, 2008, 1:23 a.m.
Blizzard Post

This is just plain insulting. Calling reducing the number of reports a "fix" is ridiculous. It just shows how little Blizzard understands about the BGs. If they think that reducing the number of reports will change anything in the BGs, they have never played a single one.

It's this type of "fix" that is not just a waste of time, but insulting to those of us who want AFK free BGs. It shows the lack of understanding the developers have for BGs.

Stop using bandaids on a sucking chest wound and do something about the problem. Enough with us making us do your job for you and not giving us the tools we need to do it right.
#22 - Jan. 5, 2008, 2:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I don't see where it was called a "fix". Unless you're splitting up words to derive their base definitions and believe we are applying a "very warm or spicy" fix. Even in that case I'm not sure where you could make the assumption that upon its application we all let out a sigh of relief, patted eachother on the backs, and clanked our collective stein's together, singing merriment and congratulations on a job well done.

We do that every night, so I think it should just be assumed.

In any case it's something we've been looking to do for a little while now, and since it's a hotfixable change (not everything is), we hotfixed it.

We do have some fairly substantial Alterac Valley changes coming in a future patch that we hope will address some of the balance and play issues.</annoyinglybutnecessarilyvague>
#44 - Jan. 5, 2008, 2:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
A real fix would be trying to make the game so people would want to play it rather than hitting the space-bar while they watch a movie, but what do I know.

Exactly. I think everyone is really putting too much time and effort into thinking of how many different ways we can dismember, burn, and otherwise maim players.

We want to fix the main issue.

The main issue is not that people AFK, it's why they AFK.
The main issue is not that some no longer queue, it's why they no longer queue.

Asking to make the AFK or queuing system more robust (read: punishing) is really just band-aiding a band-aid and on and on. It will never stop, and we'll only reach a point of total agreement when no one is allowed to play.

We're attempting to put in good, balanced, fun changes that fix these issues at their root.

I'm being a bit hypocritical because the hotfix today did none of this, but it's certainly a positive change in the interim.
#47 - Jan. 5, 2008, 2:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Its simple: Kick players that are reported for afking in a battleground, give them the deserter debuff, problem solved.

It will make sure that people have the incentive to actually DO something in BG's. But Blizzard does not listen.

I see this exact suggestion a lot, and it's easy to respond to because it's the most... simplistic. There's a lot of complex suggestions out there, and they could work, sure. Our goal isn't to create a complex AFK feature though, our goal is to create a fun battleground experience people don't want to AFK in.

Just a quick example of this suggestion though...

A few friends and I hate you, your guild, or your realm. Any time there's enough of us in a battleground you either never get to play because we repeatedly report you until you're removed, or it becomes a race between rivals as to who can report the fastest.

Now obviously this solution is highly flawed and easily griefable, and while other suggestions can reduce the negatives and grief potential substantially, again, it isn't our goal focus on creating complex AFK systems.