Tell us what you intend

#0 - Jan. 2, 2008, 8:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzard, will you please tell us what is the direction you intend this game to go towards? There are people who PVP who are claiming the game is moving towards being mostly based around PVP. There are people who play PVE who are claiming that PVP is a mistake and should be removed. There are people in between who enjoy the present environment. There are the countless arguments between these folks about “welfare epics”, the merits or lack thereof of the ways in which PVP and PVE have been implemented, the capabilities of various classes within these environments, and the roll each class should or should not be playing within these environments.

I am not asking for a detailed list of what you (Blizzard) intends to implement over the months and years to come. I only ask for some indication of where you stand with regards to the question of PVP and PVE and the relationship between the two. There is a lot of speculation and misinformation floating around at the moment due to the lack of any recent official statements on this issue, and this has lead to these massive arguments on the forums. I would think that it would be in your (Blizzard’s) best interest to come out with a simple statement of some kind informing the players of your future intentions. Such a statement might not eliminate the arguing going on at the moment but might provide a baseline sufficient enough to prevent some of the wilder speculation going on and perhaps reduce the overall amount of arguing.

At the very least, such a statement would provide players with some information that would allow players to determine if there is a future in this game for them. Many players have a preference for one play style or the other. It would be dishonest to lead these players on, only to have their play style eventually eliminated. If both play styles are to remain and people are informed of this, we can hopefully put to rest some of the arguments about “X play style is better than Y play style” and get on with the business of trying to make them successfully coexist in the same game.
#3 - Jan. 2, 2008, 8:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We intend to keep focusing on fun, advancing the storyline of World of Warcraft and Azeroth and finding ways to continue giving players a challenge while making as much as possible still accessible. We intend to add siege weapons in PvP and we intend on continuing to make great PvE encounters.

There will always be argument about direction and many will argue for or against a direction as if it is the way to go or the way not to go, but World of Warcraft offers many things to many people and we like it that way. We want to continue to entice players to take part in many facets of the game.
#30 - Jan. 2, 2008, 9:11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
We intend to move towards fun?

What a cop out answer.... More importantly, how is that even considered an answer?

The OP asked if PvP or PvE was where the game was moving to, not .... Are you moving towards more fun or less fun?

Obviously you're moving towards "fun" but that wasn't what he was asking....

Not moving toward fun. Continuing to work to create fun as we always have. Their question was very general and leading. I answered in a general way to show that nothing has changed or is changing in so far as our philosophy for World of Warcraft. We want our players to have fun. We want our friends and family to have fun. We want to have fun ourselves. Whether they are having fun or not or think what we have in store for the future is fun or not, is wholly based on their own opinion which they have every right to.

This isn't about PvE over PvP or vice versa. They are both a part of the game and will continue to both have some level of focus put into them by the development team.
#186 - Jan. 4, 2008, 5:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
At some point, could you go into some detail(s) about siege weapons, and the fortifications they are sieging? How will it be different from what W.H.O.'s; Siege and take-over style of combat?

We will be going into more detail when it's time, most definitely. But now is not the time. Sorry. :(