"Your ticket has been escalated" ??

#0 - Dec. 15, 2007, 3:56 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I opened an in-game ticket regarding an accidental purchase of an item. After a while, a GM responded to me saying that he would have to bring my petition to a specialist. He told me not to edit or close my petition so that my queue will not be pushed back. In about 2 hours or so, the ticket says "Your ticket has been escalated". What does that mean?
#7 - April 29, 2009, 4:51 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
whooopsss... my ticekt has had the ''your ticket has been escalated'' message for over 5 days.. though on the 4rth day i edited the ticket saying ''hey this ticket's been up for 4 days'' did that screw up all the procces? so should i open a new ticket?

The problem with waiting is time seems to drag. You seem to be experiencing some time exaggeration, Muffinman. :)

Your petition has been open for 3 days, 2 hours and 15 minutes. :) Our queue times are longer than normal so you may be waiting a few more days, just do not close out that escalated petition and it will be addressed as soon as possible.

Unless you need to include additional information that actually helps with your request it is unnecessary to edit your petition.

No one sees the edit until the petition is removed from queue by the person who will be looking into your request so editing a petition to let them know how long you have been waiting or to add other commentary is essentially pointless. :)

Since this thread likes to be bumped occasionally I'll be locking it.

Hang in there, someone will get to your issue as soon as they can.

Good luck.