Okay, huge arguement here...

#0 - Dec. 7, 2007, 1:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This started when someone said they one-shot someone in the BGs...

Would one consider a Windfury proc, which gives 3 hits in one motion, a one-shot?

Arguments for "Yes" include:

~ It's all "one-shot", therefore, what would normally be a single hit, becomes 3 in one instantaneous moment.

~ When shooting a shot-gun, multiple projectiles are projected from the gun with "one-shot". Ergo, using windfury to kill someone with "one-shot" is possible.

Arguments for "No" include:

~ It's 3 multiple attacks in one, there for it would be considered a three hit.

~ The point brought up about a shot gun is ridiculous, what about a machine gun? Isn't holding the trigger down just one shot then?


I'll keep score, so clearly state YES or NO at the end of your post.

Infinite Yes - Infinite No - 1 Giraffe - 1 Non Giraffe (ALL OPINION!)
#22 - Dec. 7, 2007, 2:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
This debate is centered around the wrong use of words.

"It's practically a one-shot"

Agreed. The person "might as well" have been one-shot.
#31 - Dec. 7, 2007, 2:51 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

But Eyonix, that's evading the question. Were they actually one-shot, or not? As a blue, only you have the power to settle this debate.

Damage from the weapon occurs which than procs windfury. Seems like multiple shots regardless of whether you're counting windfury once or more.
#39 - Dec. 7, 2007, 3:01 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

But Eyonix the term One shotted most players think is one attack that killed them.

For example a Mage's pyroblast.

Mage A casts standard Arcane Pyroblast macro. Arcane pyroblast crits for 7000 damage. Player A has 6000 health. So this single attack did more damage then the player's health thus he was one shotted.

Shaman A is using a 2h wep with windfury attack on it. Shaman A casts stormstrike and hits player A for a 2000 crit. Yet the windfury weapon enchant procs and the stars align and the gods bless the shaman and BOTH attacks not only hit but crit for 2500. Now clearly player A with 6000 is dead but if you were to check the combat log you will see that stormstrike hit for 2k and each windfury attack crit that player. Thus a total of 3 attacks hit that player before he went down.

Due to the fact that windfury is counted at two separate attacks. I submit to you that the term one shotted should not apply here.

I'm agreeing with you, as you'll note in my follow-up. My first response is to state that, it's going to "feel" like a one shot to the receiver, so really...what's it matter? ;)
#47 - Dec. 7, 2007, 3:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I vote yes because I had a similar debate earlier this week. I was on my mage and my Pyroblast crit someone, who then died from ignite (lowbie pvp, if you were curious). So I asked my mage friend "zomg did I just get my first pew pew mage one-shot?" We decided that it counted, because even though ignite was what killed him, ignite was a direct result of the pyroblast and took no further action from the player.

As in "one shot" = "one button hit"

Same would apply to this windfury scenario. So yes!

So, if you're afk and I walk up to you and engage my auto-attack and you die thirty second later was that a one-shot because only one button was used?