New Guild Calendar/Events API

#1 - Sept. 14, 2011, 8:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Now that the old calendar feed is long gone, are there plans to open up an API for the guild calendar / upcoming events? There could be a simple token string placed in the request URL to open access to an otherwise private feed, such as how the old calendar API worked.

(I know you don't want to add player authentication to the public API, but getting upcoming guild events into guild websites is a feature many guilds can make use of.)

As for the feed format, the original feed was in iCal format, but I could work with either that or a JSON format.
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#4 - Sept. 15, 2011, 6:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
09/14/2011 03:06 PMPosted by Spamnbacon
I think the only thing we got a no one about the calendar would be anything involving creating/managing events. I don't know if we've gotten an answer on whether or not the calendar will be exposed in a read-only fashion.

At this time, we don't plan on implementing or exposing any features that need type of permission or access checking, even if it is read-only data.