Guild Bank Stolen - by hacked Officer

#0 - Nov. 30, 2007, 5:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
[EDIT] I've edited this post to reflect the current circumstances.[/EDIT]

Long story short, through a hacked account the Guild Bank was stolen and the GM's haven't been able to assist us.

Here is what happened, I've now put in 3 tickets trying to have a follow up for the Guild Bank that was stolen. I have not had a resolution. I've been told to have the hacked person check their e-mails for the restoration information, there isn't anything concerning the Guild Bank in their e-mails. The GM's that I've spoken to simply do not understand what happened, nor have they been able to provide any assistance.

I am the GM of the guild.

Here is what happened:

1.) A Guild officer account that was hacked.

2.) The now hacked Officer account took the limit of 400g, and 20 items per page.

3.) Hacked Officer account invited characters to the Guild, then promoted them to the level to remove items from the bank, and removed the limit of the items that were able to be taken. These are accomplices, this is a second hacker affiliated account being used, possibly more then 2 accounts. With the gold limit(400g), it would have taken 25 characters to take the 10,000 gold out of the bank

4.) A guild officer logs in and sees this happening, officer starts kicking the invited alts while the hacker continues to invite more alts, this goes on for ~40 minutes while I'm being contacted and am able to remove the Hacked Officer Account.

Damage done:

5 pages of items removed
~10,000 gold stolen

Items Saved:

Guild ranking and the reason this happened:

GM - full access <--My Account
GM/GM alts - full access <--My account
Officer - 20 items, 400g <--officer account where the hacker had access
Officer Alts - 20 items, 400g <--where the accomplices were promoted to, and allowed to take items from the guild bank.
Guild member - 0 items, 0g

Upon Reviewing the Guild Bank Logs - it shows that the characeters that took items out of the bank are named "null"(deleted?) - however their Guild Rank is being shown as "Guild Leader" - of which there is only 1 person with that rank, myself.

Here is what happened:

Account hacked
characters took maximum limit of items(20 per page)
characters took maximum gold(400 per character)

Here is where they managed to get around the item and gold limit:

Hacked account invited characters to the guild, promoted them to Officer Alt, removed 400g and up to 20 items - Now multiple accounts involved
This was repeated to take ~475 items from the guild bank
This was repeated to take ~10,000 gold, this would have required 25 different characters at the 400g limit

What's been done:

Within 12 hours of reporting the hacked account, the account was fully restored. - All gear retained their enchants and gems.

Items restored:
All items sold to the vendor
All items taken from the guild bank by this account and sold to the vendor

Items not restored:
~10 - 18 slot bags
All of their gold
None of the guild bank that was taken by the characters that were invited to the guild by the Hacked Officer

The GM's have not been able to help out, I've been redirected to looking at the "Restoration Policy" found -

I've now been told multiple times "In the future, I would advise you to be very careful about whom you give invite, promotion, and guild bank access privileges to." - umm, it wasn't my fault that the bank was stolen, it was a hacked account.

Any items that were taken by the Multiple Accounts:
"I'm sorry Austin, but we're unable to assist beyond recovering anything that was taken directly by the compromised account."

Issue - this just doesn't sound right. Am I correct in reading that the GM will help the compromised account, but all of the 25 characters that had access to remove the 10,000 gold and ~475 items they wont do anything? We were lucky to have a guild officer online, who was able to remove the alts, all of the items, and most of the gold was already taken.

I need some clarification and assistance here if you could please.

The GM that I spoke with had to run and find a supervisor, so I'm currently working under the assumption that this is a very new situation, and as such they weren't really sure what could be done.

Thank you for your time.

#30 - Dec. 10, 2007, 5:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It takes at LEAST a week.

Well that depends on the current size of the queue and the complexity of the compromise. It can take 24 hours or 3 weeks, although we certainly try to keep the time towards the 24 hour mark if we can. :)

Austin, I find no e-mails sent from your guildmate to the Character Specialist. He will need to reply directly to the e-mail he received from the Character Specialist from the registered e-mail address on his account, explaining what else is missing. The Character Specialist can take another look and if possible they will try to restore the items.

Please remember that no restoration is guaranteed, even one such as this, but they will try.