#1 - Sept. 18, 2019, 8:30 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Tomorrow, Thursday, September 19 at 11:00 a.m. PDT (2:00 p.m. EDT), we will open the following Free Character Moves for realms in the Americas and Oceania:

Arugal Felstriker
Benediction Earthfury
Benediction Heartseeker
Bigglesworth Anathema
Bigglesworth Arcanite Reaper
Blaumeux Anathema
Blaumeux Arcanite Reaper
Faerlina Earthfury
Faerlina Heartseeker
Fairbanks Anathema
Fairbanks Arcanite Reaper
Grobbulus Anathema
Grobbulus Arcanite Reaper
Grobbulus Deviate Delight
Herod Earthfury
Herod Heartseeker
Incendius Earthfury
Incendius Heartseeker
Kirtonos Earthfury
Kirtonos Heartseeker
Kromcrush Earthfury
Kromcrush Heartseeker
Kurinnaxx Anathema
Kurinnaxx Arcanite Reaper
Mankrik Windseeker
Pagle Windseeker
Rattlegore Anathema
Rattlegore Arcanite Reaper
Skeram Earthfury
Skeram Heartseeker
Stalagg Earthfury
Stalagg Heartseeker
Sulfuras Earthfury
Sulfuras Heartseeker
Thalnos Earthfury
Thalnos Heartseeker
Thunderfury Anathema
Thunderfury Arcanite Reaper
Westfall Windseeker
Whitemane Anathema
Whitemane Arcanite Reaper
Yojamba Felstriker

All of the above are in addition to Free Character Moves which will become available from all PvP realms to the new Latin American and Brazilian realms.

At this time, we do not yet have a final time when we will turn off the Free Character Moves listed above, however, we expect that time to be no earlier than Monday, September 23. As always, we strongly encourage you to utilize the Free Character Move service as soon as possible. Free Character Moves will be closed without warning for any destination realm that becomes full.

We will update this thread with a closure time for this round of Free Character Moves as soon as we have it finalized.

Thank you!