Auction Data Unique ID

#1 - Aug. 10, 2011, 8:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Each auction record in the JSON data contains a field called "auc".

This appears to be a unique identifier for the auction.

To what degree is this value unique?

Is it unique per faction? per realm? per region? or globally unique?

Many thanks.
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Web & Mobile Team
#26 - Aug. 10, 2011, 8:30 p.m.
Blizzard Post
P.S. I've also noticed that a few people posting are starting to act like stuck-up snot know-it-alls. No need to be like that, everyone is still learning and always learning even the pros. No matter how perfect you think your method is, there's always a better one =).

True story. Be polite. Be civil. Play nice. Play fair.

I won't be shocked if this thread gets locked soon if this trend continues.

We are in the process of looking at potential MVPs for this forum and seeing if that is something we should do. I would hate for potential MVPs to embarrass themselves by talking down to others or making unnecessary remarks.