Where are the materials for recipes?

#1 - Aug. 9, 2011, 9:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Now that we have the items API, I tried to fetch a recipe.

My example was the Plans: Arcanite Reaper (Ho!!):


But looking at the information, there's nothing in there about the materials that the recipe needs to make the item.

In fact, there's no reference to the created item at all! Arcanite Reaper

There is a reference to a spell, 16994, and the Arcanite Reaper data refers to spell 16994, but 16994 is not an item, (Duskwing Gloves). I guess the plans items teaches the spell, and the spell is what creates the new item, so, I assume maybe the spell has the mats associated with it.

Is that going to be made available? Some way to derive the mats for a crafted item?

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#5 - Aug. 10, 2011, 3 p.m.
Blizzard Post
08/10/2011 03:29 AMPosted by Chalyss
Any word on where the spell API is sitting in the backlog?

Right now the top 5 priorities are:

  • PVP Information
  • Character activity feeds
  • Guild activity feeds
  • Guild membership hashes
  • Achievement data APIs
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#12 - Aug. 10, 2011, 5:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
08/10/2011 09:28 AMPosted by Avellin
Don't mean to get off topic but what exactly is the "Guild membership hashes"?

I'm looking into creating a hash of character profiles and including them in membership listings like with guilds and arena teams. That way developers can store the hash and upon subsequent requests compare the old hash and new hash to help decide if a character needs to be fetched.
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#13 - Aug. 10, 2011, 5:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
08/10/2011 09:23 AMPosted by Chaud
Statistics data is in the top 6, right? =p

Yes, stats (character and guild) and complex item attributes (like random enchants, etc) are in the top 10.
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#21 - Aug. 16, 2011, 3:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm just asking if its going to work differently from the lastUpdated field. If they will work the same, wouldn't it make since to just include that on each member in the guild list?

That is the idea. Character profile blocks, guild membership records and arena team membership records would contain this hash that would be used to not just make cache hits, but to avoid making requests altogether.