Is anyone doing an up-to-date census via API?

#1 - Aug. 3, 2011, 4:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I am interested in looking at things like race-class-gender distribution, but all of the publicized data I've found (between datamining websites and academic papers) is fairly out of date (mostly vanilla numbers, nothing post-cata). Does anyone know of people who are using armory data to calculate things like this? I'm pretty sure you could get at some really cool numbers with this type of thing.

If no one is doing it, would it be viable to use the tools I've found on this forum? I'm wondering if blizz might clear an app request for something like this, though I fear that they wouldn't...

I'm also wondering if anyone knows of a technique for randomly sampling armory data, because loading up every single character's armory data does not look like a fair, or even viable use of this service... Way too many hits -.-

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#25 - Aug. 8, 2011, 3:30 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This thread is starting to go off topic. Locking.