Application Registration Requests?

#1 - July 22, 2011, 3:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Question for Blizzard tech: per the docs on Github, I've sent a couple of emails to to register my application (one on July 7, a followup on July 20) and received no response.

Are you not processing those yet and I just need to wait? Or did my request get lost in the shuffle? With Aug. 2nd quickly approaching, it'd be very helpful to know what kind of bandwidth usage I'll be allowed, so I can adjust my site accordingly.

Thank you.
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Web & Mobile Team
#2 - July 22, 2011, 3:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Are you not processing those yet and I just need to wait? Or did my request get lost in the shuffle? With Aug. 2nd quickly approaching, it'd be very helpful to know what kind of bandwidth usage I'll be allowed, so I can adjust my site accordingly.

We have received a very large number of requests and we are still working through the queue. Generally we are trying to keep the number of application keys given to a small number of applications that will consistently hit the cap if we were to not provide them with a key.