Unable to Access Account

#0 - Nov. 17, 2010, 3:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I recently activated my account after it had been inactive for about 3 months. When I logged back in I was missing a lot of my gear and all of my gold was gone. I'm pretty sure I was hacked during the time between when I stopped playing back in august and when the subscription ended. I ticketed a GM earlier today explaining to them how I had thought I'd been hacked, and now I can't log into my battlenet account or WoW account. Is this normal or should it be cause for concern?

#4 - Nov. 17, 2010, 6:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I recently activated my account after it had been inactive for about 3 months. When I logged back in I was missing a lot of my gear and all of my gold was gone. I'm pretty sure I was hacked during the time between when I stopped playing back in august and when the subscription ended. I ticketed a GM earlier today explaining to them how I had thought I'd been hacked, and now I can't log into my battlenet account or WoW account. Is this normal or should it be cause for concern?


I do see this account was reported, and already looked into, Bós. Check your email for a new password. It's standard procedure to reset a password at least once during a compromise investigation.

Unfortunately, since this is so old we weren't able to recover anything. If you find your characters unplayable, i.e., no gear - please do put in another petition so we can look into possibly getting them geared at least. Looks like the two highest characters on the account are geared and should be playable.

We do everything we possibly can to help a player that's been a victim of a compromise, but time is an enemy. While our logs are extensive they simply are not infinite.

In the meantime, please do make certain that your system and email account are secure. If what allowed them to get your information originally still exists, they WILL be back.

I'd also heartily recommend adding an authenticator as an additional layer of security for your account.

Blizzard Store

Mobile Authenticator