Reputation Restore Issue. Need Blue please :(

#0 - Nov. 3, 2010, 12:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I recently Transfered back to horde ( he was originally horde but went alliance once )on My lv80 Druid Thornestar On Moonguard. Much to my avail i had no tranquillen Rep showing for me. So i went down to see if i could do the starter quest and possibly "unlock" it so to speak. Low and behold it seems i have credit for doing the quests but no rep for doing so. Well i did a little research and according to the World Of Warcraft Character Transfer FaQ

Q u o t e:

* Some reputations do not have an opposite-faction equivalent, and thus will not be included in a faction change. However, they will be restored at their previous levels if the character ever transfers back to their original faction

So i have put in 2 tickets now via email. The first i asked for either the rep restored like it said it should have been, or to reset the quests. I just get a response stating " we can not reset quests" as if he did not see the rest of it. So I got more adamant and posted another ticket Via Email and got this response.

Q u o t e:


Thank you for taking the time to submit this report. We appreciate the feedback and look into each report we receive. I've gone ahead and submitted the information you've provided to our Quality Assurance team who will investigate this issue. While we are unable to provide a response, we can assure you that the report will be read and investigated.

You can also check our Bug Report forums ( where you can discuss game issues with other users.

Thank you again for your report, and please let us know if you have any further concerns.

Which makes it look like to me they are just happy I reported a bug, All i want is my reputation back. I do not know what else i can do to really get it across. My question about this whole thing is does this mean a specialist is looking at my case soon or does it mean it was reported as a bug. Do i need to put in YET ANOTHER ticket to get this resolved?
#6 - Nov. 4, 2010, 1:58 a.m.
Blizzard Post
It does look like something is awry here, Syllagh, and that this may have been the result of a very rarely encounter bug.

I'm not certain that our Game Masters will be able to assist with this issue, but I'll put in some inquiries and see what I can do. >^.^<