Looking For Raid: the truth

#0 - Oct. 28, 2010, 8:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzcon Q&A

Question: "Currently in the game you can use the dungeon finder to put together 5 man teams within a battlegroup, is there any possibility you can revisit that for making raids?"

Answer: "The way we tune our raids demands the players use several compositions, buffs and debuffs represented and it gets pretty hard to apply there, you may not always have the best players with you."

GC on 10/28/2010:

"Nobody brings unique buffs anymore. It isn't a tenable design when you have 30 different specs and raid groups that are sized 10 and 25 to have 30 very valuable unique buffs"

So, what is the real reason you don't want to introduce LookingForRaid?
#12 - Oct. 28, 2010, 9:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Blizzcon Q&A

Question: "Currently in the game you can use the dungeon finder to put together 5 man teams within a battlegroup, is there any possibility you can revisit that for making raids?"

Answer: "The way we tune our raids demands the players use several compositions, buffs and debuffs represented and it gets pretty hard to apply there, you may not always have the best players with you."

GC on 10/28/2010:

"Nobody brings unique buffs anymore. It isn't a tenable design when you have 30 different specs and raid groups that are sized 10 and 25 to have 30 very valuable unique buffs"

So, what is the real reason you don't want to introduce LookingForRaid?

Nobody has flat out stated that we don't want to do looking for raid. As a matter of fact, we have stated that we do want to do LFR, but that there are many aspects of a system like LFR that need serious design time - which is exactly what Tom was saying when he gave the answer about group comps. Please stop over-sensationalizing the issue.

    Do we want to do LFR? Yes, we hope to one day be able to do an LFR system that rivals the LFD system in "awesomeness."

    When? In the future.