Losing a good friend, help blizz?

#0 - Oct. 24, 2010, 7:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I recently made an account transfer for my dk and upon arival i was unplesantly surprised to find my mini thor companion was missing although the feat of strength was still present. I have an open ticket and it almost immediately went to "escalated" its going on about a day with no response. I knew when i had bought sc2 CE the pet was account bound but i thought once the pet was learned from the in game mail it was permanently retained similar to the x-53 touring rocket. I am confused however because now after a payed account transfer "25 dollars" i have a feat of strength that says I am the proud owned of this mini thor friend but nothing to show for it... I decided to post here because maybe i could get some insight from one of the admins via forum or perhaps someone else who has had this happen after paying money to trasnfer a charcter and losing something this exclusive of which btw i still own:(
#5 - Oct. 24, 2010, 7:32 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Transferring any type of pet that is classified as account bound - to a non-qualified account would result in the pet being deleted, Ariz. Some are character bound, some account bound, and some battle.net account bound.

As to the feat, that's something I'm not sure about - but I suspect it's because you DID earn it, even if you don't still have it. At some point in the future, that may disappear as well, but I really have no information on that.
#7 - Oct. 24, 2010, 7:33 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I agree with this statement however if the feat of strength is pertaining to something being bound to an accnt which is no longer present the feat should be removed. similar to when u transfer factions and the convertion there. I really want to keep the pet and let them know in my ticket i can furnish proof of purchase if they could make an exception in letting the toon keep the pet but i also didnt pay 25 dollars an "incomplete" transfer either. I am hoping that they will see this and help.

That is not something we'd be able to assist with, Ariz. The system automatically determines if an account is eligible. Even if one were sent to you, it would most likely self-delete, if indeed you could even get it out of your mailbox.