Thank you Blizzard

#0 - Oct. 24, 2010, 6:33 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I just want to say thank you for having such an in depth "fake email" topic. I recently got an email from "blizzard" (not blizzard obviously) that said in perfect punctuation that my account had been compromised. I am not the kind of gullible person who falls for phising emails, but this one was particularly misleading. I was actually about to send them my information when the email asked me for my password. I remembered from times repeated over and over again that Blizz will NEVER ask for your password. To be sure, I went to these forums and found a topic that contained the exact email that I recieved which was exposed as a phising email. Thank you Blizzard for being so proactive about these issues and going through alot of work taking down these emails. I made this post to tell Blizzard that their dilligence with this particular forum has not gone unnoticed and their work not done for nothing. Thanks!

Also, that email I got was from How is that possible? lol
#2 - Oct. 24, 2010, 6:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
If you pop open the internal routing header - that won't be actually from Blizzard.

The FROM line in an email is as easy to spoof as writing a fake return address on a paper envelope.

And you are most welcome, we do our best to try to help our players protect themselves. Sadly, often by the time the warnings are's already too late. Glad to hear you were appropriately suspicious!