Bot concern

#0 - Oct. 25, 2010, 4:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Edit: Please watch your language and avoid the caps key here on the forums, thanks.
#7 - Oct. 25, 2010, 6:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Because no matter what time I come online day or night /who scholazar basin and her name shows up, and I ask people when I get there if they seen her and they say that she has been there all day as normal.

Would it be that hard for blizz to call up her account and see she playes 987457 hours a week and figure out thats NOT possible.

If you were on my server you would know what im mean, and people always complain in chat about he hers discusting beause she takes all the titanum. but reporting clearly does no good.

its always the excuse "we are researching" so that whey they can delete the ticket and not take any action.

You've opened 21 petitions in the last 30 days on this account Gobbie - including ones you've closed yourself.

Out of those 21 petitions, one vaguely mentions botting with absolutely no names. The one 2 days ago did mention a name, as well as the one that is currently open and 47 min old.

We take this very seriously and appreciate reports, but exaggerating your claims helps no one.

Please don't post in all caps and otherwise conform to our code of conduct here on the boards.
