#0 - Oct. 18, 2010, 5:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
With the holiday event now upon us, people are reporting two issues: locking up when interacting with the pumpkin, and receiving the 'there is no loot' message when opening their loot bag.

The first issue is a known bug that is not particular to the event. It seems there may be some error associated with items opened/interacted with by way of the cogwheel mouse-over icon. This may include such things as mage tables, some portals, and flags, among other things. Blizzard is looking into the issue and has a sticky on the subject in the Bug Report Forum:


For some potential fixes (may not work at all or only for some people) try these. The first seems to work the most reliably, so try it first:

1) (Deyneth) You will need to create two macros, for "turn off tooltips" and "turn on tooltips".

Turn Off Tooltips
/script GameTooltip.Temphide = function() GameTooltip:Hide() end; GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Temphide);

Turn On Tooltips
/script GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Show)

There is an add-on that automates disabling one line tool tips for you.

CogFix at Curse.


Saves you from hitting the script every time you log out, switch toons etc. (thanks, Onnes)

2) (Nekrongar) Before you move, put the cursor on the pumpkin and get a gray cog. The screen will freeze for a few seconds, but when it unfreezes you can click it without any issues.

3) (Paryun) Rather than physically moving the mouse pointer over the pumpkin, I positioned my toons near the pumpkin and then turned my camera using the WASD keys so that the mouse pointer hovered over the pumpkin. Without moving my mouse, I was able to click it and activate the dialog box without freezing.

4. (Leggos) As soon as you zone in, type /reload UI

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