Waste of my time and yours!!

#1 - Oct. 11, 2010, 3:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
What was implemented, Bigbuckin, was the ability for players to correct their own errors. Our Developers gave players a 2 hour window in which they could refund the purchase at any vendor and regain what they spent on the item.

This is 2 hours of played time, not simply 2 hours, it is time that you actually have to spend on your character. On the item when you hover your cursor over it there is a clear display that you may sell the item back and a count down timer. You will also be warned if you attempt to enchant or gem the item within that time frame that you will no longer be able to refund it.

I am sorry for what confusion may have been caused, Bigbuckin, but our policies were adjusted to reflect this change.
Q u o t e:

I do NOT pay 15 dollars a month to be told you can't replace one simple item once in a blue moon when someone makes one simple mistake that is EASILY fixed.

Technically speaking, Bigbuckin, you don't pay your subscription fee to receive anything other than access to your account. You are not guaranteed any restoration, that has always been our policy.
Q u o t e:

Blizzard really needs to look into some of there policies and make corrective action. Also if a in game player did suggest this rule. You should at least background check the before you agree to it. As they could be not mentally competent to make suggestions.

Though our Developers appreciate our player feedback and a good idea can stand on its own regardless of the number of people that may have suggested it, this refund feature was not implemented because a single player suggested. Many people thought it was something that would be a good idea. To give players as much power to undo their errors as possible and overall it has been a fantastic success.

It also allowed our policies to adjust to compensate for the fact that players could now do this so we could help in other areas that players can not do themselves.

Please feel free to post your constructive feedback regarding any changes you'd like to see in our Suggestions forum.

#2 - Oct. 11, 2010, 3:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You'll replace the gear soon enough, so if the GMs won't restore what you want, it's not too big of a deal in the end.

I recommend that you breathe and just learn from the experience!
#7 - Oct. 11, 2010, 5:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Why only 2 hours? why not 24 hours, 12 hours or even 6hrs?

Our restoration policies have always been about helping players when they make an error, but how to determine an error and not simply someone changing their mind? Our Developers determined that 2 hours of "Played" time would be a good amount.

There will always be those that think 2 hours isn't enough but the same can be said for any other denomination of time. Keep in mind this is played time, not just time. If you type /played while logged into your character how long has your character actually been played?

Your last level took you a total of nearly 4 hours of played time. It doesn't seem like a great deal of time but we are talking about time enough to go... "oops, I made an error in my purchase".

As I said though, Bigbuckin, you'll want to post in our Suggestions forum. Those of use who moderate the CS forum are not Developers nor are we liaisons with them. I have no idea what their actual motivation behind a decision is, I only know what makes sense to me.