Alright so Oculus problem..

#0 - Oct. 12, 2010, 5:48 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Way back when Oculus was introduced, well probably a few months into it (with the epic sack of gems that had the mount in it) I got a bag, and saw the mount inside. I didn't have enough bag room, and went to Dalaran and vendored everything, and ended up deleting the bag thinking it was one of the stupid old world gem bags, and then realized my mistake after. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, and instead of paging a GM and wasting their time, I just said I'd farm it casually again later. Now I realized that I won't be able to farm the mount come cataclysm (unless I don't want to level). I paged a GM and they said it was way too far back to go and look.

So for the past month and a half I've been either queing up and dropping out, or as of more recently chain running instances to try and get Oculus to show up as random. Over the weekend (it was either Friday or Saturday) I finally got the mount to drop again, and once again my bags were full. I was so pumped, I even linked the mount in guild chat. In the excitement I went to destroy the mount vehicle that you fly around Oculus with, and accidentally destroyed the bag, which is now green and doesn't have a "DELETE" confirmation. So I opened a ticket IMMEDIATELY, I logged on two or 3 times that day to check for a response, and I wake up the next morning to a closed ticket and an e-mail. I sprinted to the mailbox, took the bag out and opened it and got my emblems, and some scarlet rubys. There was no mount. I opened another ticket, and the GM said they have no record of it. I'm beyond aggravated right now. I really don't have another month and a half to chain run heroics trying to get this mount (that's obviously pretty important to me.

The original bag didn't have scarlet rubys in it. There were 3 Sky Saphires, 2 Emblems, and the mount. The reason I remember this is cause I was thinking to myself that it was funny that the blue drake dropped and I got 3 blue gems. If your logs could go over guild chat, you'd see what time I linked it for a better time frame. (I don't type in guild chat a lot). I'm pretty sure the bags are just randomly generating and the gms aren't actually restoring the bag in question, but just generating a new one to try and pacify me.

Please help me, I'm at the end of my rope.
#3 - Oct. 12, 2010, 6:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Unfortunately, Xizta, as Elystia mentioned until the item is removed from the container it doesn't actually exist in the world.

When restoring a deleted item that item is usually restored in the same state it was in as when it was deleted but this may not work the same with this type of item since the contents of the bag may have randomized during the process.

I am sorry, Xizta, but without any way to confirm the drop we are unable to award it to you.